9 Free MOOCs For Corporate Training

9 Free MOOCs For Corporate Training
Summary: There may be a myriad of MOOCs, but finding Massive Open Online Courses for corporate training can prove to be quite challenging. If you’ve been looking for suitable MOOCs for corporate training, but haven’t had any luck so far, this article highlights MOOCs that are ideal for corporate audiences.

Suggested Free MOOCs For Corporate Training

MOOCs for corporate training offer a wide range of benefits but due to the broad range of courses available today, finding the right ones for skill set development and corporate training can often be a time consuming and frustrating task. To make the process easier, I’d like to share some of the top MOOCs for corporate training that you may want to consider.

  1. Human Resources (Open2Study).
    This MOOC is ideal for members of your HR team or any employee that will be dealing directly with employees, such as hiring managers or corporate trainers, as it offers a step-by-step look at the basic functions of the human resources department. The course covers recruiting, training and employee development, and even performance management, and centers on how technology can help modern day HR departments.
  2. Management for a Competitive Edge (International College of Management Sydney).
    A course that focuses on the key traits of an effective manager and how to perform in different organizational settings, including those that may involve a variety of different corporate cultures. The MOOC also delves into management strategies and tools that managers can use to fine tune their management skills, the building blocks of leadership, how to work in team environments, and how to effectively communicate.
  3. Communication in the 21st Century Workplace (University of California, Irvine).
    This course is ideally suited for every member of your corporate team, as it teaches them how to effectively use both verbal and nonverbal communication in the workplace. Communication in the 21st Century Workplace gives employees the interpersonal skills and awareness they need to communicate with colleagues of every gender, age, and culture. Some of the key areas of concentration include: behavioral patterns, verbal and nonverbal cues, tact, anger management, constructive feedback, conflict resolution, leadership, and use tech tools to communicate more competently.
  4. Customer Service Training (Connexions).
    The key to success for companies in all niches is great customer service. In this course, corporate learners learn the fundamentals of customer care, how to improve their customer service skills, and which customer service techniques are most effective. Customer Service Training also delves into the basic processes of customer care, such as handling complaints, questions, and communicating with customers. Once corporate learners have finished their training, they will know how to take a customer-friendly approach to customer complaints and queries, and how the techniques they have learned will benefit them and their organization, as a whole.
  5. Decision Skills: Power Tools to Build Your Life (Decision Education Foundation).
    Regardless of the industry in which they work, their professional goals, or basic job responsibilities, every employee must make decisions on a daily basis. This course gives them the knowledge and tools they need to make better decisions in their lives, both personally and professionally, which gives them the confidence to make choices that lead to more positive outcomes. It also equips them with the information and tools required to handle conflicts and everyday challenges, as well as “decision traps” that they might commonly encounter, making it a great course for employees who may deal with conflict resolution and team dynamics regularly.
  6. Introduction to Corporate IT Strategy and Business Frameworks (Global Text Project).
    In this course, employees learn about the importance of IT in business infrastructures and frameworks, as well as how various elements have an impact upon those frameworks. It also explores different types of IT systems and their characteristics, and the benefits internet technology can offer to corporations, making it an ideal MOOC for managers who want to know more about how IT fits into their business strategy and framework.
  7. Fundamentals of Corporate Management (XSIQ). Another free course that gives corporate learners the opportunity to build their management skills for a wide range of organizational structures. The course is especially useful for managers in larger companies, as it covers the management functions and approaches that are involved in managing larger teams and how to deal with change in more dynamic companies. Some of the topics include: key performance indicators, characteristics of large scale businesses, and management roles within an organization.
  8. Introduction to Time Management (Global Text Project).
    Every employee needs to know how to manage their time  effectively, no matter what position they hold, given that it leads to greater productivity and company profits. This MOOC course gives employees the skills and tools they need to develop an effective work routine and provides advice and suggestions on how they can prioritize during a typical work day. Introduction to Time Management is a good choice for those who may have difficulty making the most of their time at work, or need help with their organizational skills.
  9. Diploma in Workplace Safety & Health (Advance Learning).
    This free course provides employees with the information they need to ensure the safety of themselves and their colleagues while on the job. Some of the topics covered in the course include: behavior-based safety (which is custom tailored for supervisors and managers), workstation ergonomics, maintaining a drug-free workplace, risk analysis, hazard identification, safety training, best practice for implementing corporate safety programs, and back safety (for employees who may have to lift heavy objects throughout the course of their work day).

There are MOOCs ideally suited for every corporate learner. While these are just a small sampling of what’s available online today, it’s evident that online corporate training courses have something for everyone, and can help employees build their skills and broaden their knowledge base…for free!

MOOCs for corporate training are quickly becoming popular solutions. In the article, 6 Benefits Of Using MOOCs For Corporate Training, I’ll highlight the many benefits that MOOCs can offer to corporations.

Are MOOCs nothing but a fad? Read the article Are MOOCs and eLearning just fads? to gain insight into the future of MOOCs and what they can offer online corporate learners.

Originally published on March 25, 2015