The Impact Of Augmented Reality In Education

The Impact Of Augmented Reality In Education
Summary: Augmented Reality is the best way to engage the students. Technology is the most attractive concept for kids, why not using it for the good? We all know that we remember better what we saw than what we listen. With AR apps you can teach complex concepts to the students easily.

Augmented Reality In Education: What's The Real Impact?

Wondering why your students are inattentive in your class? The answer may be that they are bored with your traditional ways of teaching. As per the recent report by Harvard GSE, the student's engagement is dropping each year because institutes focus on standardized modes of teaching.

Ever noticed how easily kids get distracted by smartphones and tablets? Imagine what if we can leverage these devices for the good?

We all know that we remember better what we see instead of what we listen or mug up. Augmented Reality is proving this fact. With AR apps a 3D view is helping the students to understand better. Still, there are educators who believe that technology is ruining our generation. We can’t stop kids from using smartphones but we can make sure they are not wasting their lives because of technology.

5 Reasons Why AR Apps Are 'A Must' For This Generation's Students

1. A Better Explanation Of Complex And Abstract Concepts

There is no doubt that your students will understand the concept better when they will visualize it in reality. Especially for the difficult topics, students will get to learn quickly with 3-dimensional model representations.

2. Elevated Student Engagement

AR learning provides a gamified approach towards learning; which makes the lessons fun. As a result, it serves a positive impact on the students and keeps them engaged.

3. No Extra Tools Required

Today, 95% of teens own a smartphone. This can be used for constructive results as well. Parents and teachers don’t have to spend extra on buying tools for interactive learning and teaching.

4. Practical Knowledge

Students can perform practical without any physical need for lab equipment. This is mainly helpful for professional courses like medical and engineering. Students don’t have to operate a patient practically and still can learn the process.

5. Accessible Learning

With AR apps the users can learn anytime and anywhere from their smartphones. It is the best way to replace paper books, posters, huge physical models etc.

Popular Augmented Reality Apps

Educators around the globe have already adopted Augmented Reality in their teaching process. App store and Play store are flooding with AR apps for education. Students are responding to these apps in an optimistic manner. Here are the best Augmented Reality education apps; categorized for kids, students and self-learning.

AR Apps For Kids

1. AR Flash Cards

Students just have to scan the flashcards from their smartphones and the alphabets, and its explanations come to life.

2. Bugs 3D

Kids can learn more about insects and bugs; the app will illustrate descriptions and images to play for the kids.

3. Mathalive

The app helps the kids in grasping counting and number identification skills.

AR Apps For Teens

1. Anatomy 4D

Students can see 3D models of the human body when scanned through the camera of the smart device.

2. AugThat

The app explains the core topics from subjects like Geography, Maths, and Science in 3 dimensions. The app also has a dedicated course for students with special needs.

3. Arloon Plants

The best app to learn practically about various species of flora around the world. The app allows the students to learn about the structure and parts of a plant as well as they can witness the growth and movements.

AR Apps For Self Learning

1. Google Translate

The most practical way to learn a foreign language. Google Translate allows users to scan any written text via their smart device, and it will translate it in real time.

2. Starwalk

Anyone can learn about the stars and the constellations in the sky. By pointing the camera towards the sky the app will show all the details.

3. Aurasma

This app allows students to build their own AR experiences. Students just have to create their own triggers on the web version with Aurasma Studio.

The Scope Of Developing Education Apps

There is no doubt that education apps should be free for the users/students but that can’t stop you from earning. You can still opt for monetization methods like premium versions, advertisements etc. Education industry still has scope for more interactive Augmented Reality apps. If you are an educator, then you can think of something which your students need or they are bored to study the most. Then, you can build an app for that problem.

Over To You!

The education sector needs technology adaptation in order to keep the engagement levels high. Augmented Reality is the best way to do this. Αll you have to do is implement BYOD in your classroom and print AR worksheets or lessons. You will see the difference in the interest of the students towards learning. If you are already using AR in your teaching methods, then I would love to know about your experience. Comment below the results you have achieved after implementing Augmented Ρeality apps or any latest technology in your teaching.

Originally published on December 22, 2018