Can Generative AI Make Humans More Productive?

Can Generative AI Make Humans More Productive?
Summary: Why do so many professionals fear the emergence of generative AI, and how does it impact productivity in various business sectors? Find out how you can help employees overcome their apprehensions and use AI to their advantage.

The Collaboration Between Generative AI And Humans

It is estimated that current generative AI tools can automate 60%–70% of workplace activities, making humans more productive as they complete their tasks quickly and efficiently. Implementing AI tech tools can produce a growth rate of 0.1% to 0.6% annually until 2040, depending on companies' investments. Organizations must offer team members training and reskilling opportunities to learn how to operate the new technology and maximize their talents. In some cases, employees may need to change occupations altogether, an adaptation that may be scary but can be successfully facilitated under the right circumstances. A study showed that professionals who used ChatGPT as an assistant for a project within their capabilities performed 40% better than those who did not utilize the algorithm. However, when people used the AI tool for tasks outside their expertise, they performed 13% worse, meaning that generative AI requires relevant knowledge to be fruitful.

Ways To Help Employees Overcome AI Apprehensions

Offer Training

A recent survey found that 38% of professionals fear that Artificial Intelligence will replace their roles and that they will ultimately have to look for a different job. Therefore, employers must offer extensive training and reassure team members that generative AI can make humans more productive instead of taking their jobs away. For instance, professionals in the medical industry can utilize AI to analyze X-rays and give advice on diagnoses. Doctors will still operate the algorithm and check its findings to ensure accuracy. However, they will need to be trained to use AI tools efficiently.


At the moment, many professionals feel threatened by generative AI, thinking their bosses will replace them with a chatbot or a different tool. Keeping open and transparent communication with your employees frees them from any misconceptions and makes them feel safe. Let them know about the changes you plan on implementing and how they will affect their jobs. Offer relevant training so they can see how their contributions are pivotal, not complementary. As a result, you won't lose integral parts of your company that may search for other opportunities.

Set Policies In Place

After communicating with your team members, you need to set a few policies in place. Which tools can your employees use, and how should they use them? For instance, you may not want them to utilize ChatGPT due to copyright and data security concerns. Explain what data they can enter into the algorithm and which they should avoid adding. As long as everyone has a clear understanding of the legalities and ethics, they can realize how generative AI can make humans more productive while automating time-consuming and mundane tasks.

Highlight The Benefits

Many employees are worried because they think they may be replaced by technology, but this is not the case. Explain to them exactly how generative AI will impact their jobs and what personal and corporate benefits they'll notice. Clearly state that you don't want to replace them but instead make their lives a bit easier. Maybe you want to include them in the decision-making process and ask for their feedback regarding changes you make. This way, you make them feel valued and respected.

Sectors Where Generative AI Will Make Humans More Productive

Green Energy

Sustainability is the ultimate goal for many companies in our era, and generative AI has the potential to be game-changing in creating new products and meeting the necessary criteria. Through Machine Learning and neural networks, the algorithm can predict energy consumption and demands and optimize power grids. As organizations transition to green energy options, AI can reduce costs while improving efficiency. For instance, the data it provides regarding wind speed and solar radiation can help businesses forecast how much renewable energy they will generate.


One of the first areas where generative AI can help humans and make them more productive is language learning and translation. Anyone can learn a different language and seek jobs outside of their country. This way, world economic growth is more fair and balanced, as people from all over the globe are given chances. AI can also be used to support individual students. For example, chatbots that address commonly asked questions so that teachers can focus on the entire class instead of answering them individually.


This is where the Internet of Things (IoT) comes into play. AI-enabled tools like soil temperature and moisture meters and drones that monitor crops can improve agricultural processes. These technological advancements allow farmers to optimize planting times, soil management, and pest control practices. They don't waste resources and increase crop productivity. Such optimizations might prove lifesaving in areas where agriculture is the main economic driver and can even create new job roles, including data analysts and drone operators.


The FDA has already approved more than 170 medical devices that utilize traditional AI functions. How can generative AI improve the entire sector? Well, it may automate time-consuming tasks, including data entry, appointment scheduling, administering medication, and disease diagnosis. It may even help predict epidemics and help healthcare professionals and governments prepare themselves. Consequently, professionals in the field have more time to focus on patients instead of being buried in paperwork.

How To Close The Gap Between Generative AI And Humans

Right now, many companies and their employees might feel lost in the technological haze that generative AI has created. Leaders should start by defining which tasks are done by humans and which by AI, and how people manage both one another and AI-powered tools as well. Coding may be a necessity for many job roles, but it's emotional and cognitive skills that make the difference. That's because collaboration between colleagues is mandatory to navigate the AI-heavy corporate landscape. Therefore, more in-office or remote meetings may be needed for everyone to express their opinions and build strong relationships. As AI accelerates task completion, team members may not need to work 40 hours a week. Should companies require this minimum or allow for extra flexibility as long as employees have completed their assigned projects? This is a decision businesses should make based on their productivity and success rates. Lastly, leaders must listen closely to their team members and their concerns and try to figure out ways to dissolve any uncertainties.


It may be projected that up to 300 million jobs could be replaced by AI, but at the same time, thousands of new positions might be generated to meet the demands of the newfound technology. Studies have highlighted the importance of generative AI in the corporate world, as it can make humans more productive and improve the global economy. While a few sectors may have more immediate and massive benefits, any professional can implement AI-powered tools into their business activities.