The Rising Scope Of Conversational Interfaces Using LMS - Chatbots In The Workplace

The Rising Scope Of Conversational Interfaces Using LMS - Chatbots In The Workplace

The Rising Scope Of Conversational Interfaces Using LMS - Chatbots In The Workplace

Exploring Different Use Cases Of Chatbots In The Workplace

With the increase in adoption of messaging and video-based technologies, the potential of conversational chatbots is also realized. Chatbots are powered by a set of rules and instructions that help learners to communicate via an easy to access chat interface. Users can ask questions and the chatbots carry out specific actions in their response. They are mainly considered as automated systems that run within messaging apps such as SMS, Messenger, or any other mobile app. As per Gartner, around 85% of customer interactions will be managed without humans by 2020.

Chatbots And Their Varied Application Areas

Consider an example: if you wish to book a hotel, you would first visit any popular travel booking website on the web, provide location preference and duration for your stay, shortlist the suite that best matches your preferences and make the final booking. Instead of this process, travel companies can design bots to manage individual bookings through the bot. Users simply need to answer the questions asked and chatbots deliver the relevant results based on users’ preferences. This type of interaction provides a more personalized sales experience based on the pertinent needs of all. Let us discuss some of the significant areas where chatbots can serve their best without any human interactions:

HR Chatbots For Employee Onboarding

Today, organizations use HR chatbots to effectively streamline the onboarding process using modern LMSs. Bots are used to introduce new employees to the company’s policies, work culture, and other significant aspects through team communication app. Other benefits of using bots for HR purposes include:

The Scope Of Chatbots In Banking

The significance of chatbots in the banking and finance sector has completely transformed the face of communication interface. By leveraging the scope of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and latest mobile apps, chatbots help to boost customer satisfaction and engagement.

Bots Help eCommerce Evolve

As shopping shifted from retail to online store, the use of AI-enabled bots has also improved with automation of different processes that support customer service. This leads to increased customer engagement and better shopping experiences. The eCommerce sector prefers using bots because:

Some of the leading brands are using bots for the following purposes:

Various trends depicting the importance of chatbots have been adopted by modern organizations. For instance, messaging apps have turned out to be one of the effective means of communication across mobile devices where users access their business services through message apps. Now, chatbots are embedded within these apps as an interface between users and businesses. Major technological developments have been seen in deploying bots to support this paradigm shift. Bots provide conversational interfaces with simple UI, resulting in reduced development and maintenance costs. Undoubtedly, this technology holds the potential to impart engaging workforce experiences for people of all ages. The fact that most of the organizations embrace chatbots reinforces the belief that they will reshape the future of business-to-customer interactions.

Suggested further reading

  1. The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Chatbots
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