How Cloud Technologies Can Increase The Productivity Of School

Cloud Technologies Can Increase Productivity
Summary: Here are 8 key advantages of using cloud technologies in schools.

Cloud Technologies Can Increase Productivity

Almost every company, small shops, banks, and other managers work with systems working with cloud technologies. These technologies have different benefits for their users and business owners. It is why schools are also integrating cloud technologies into their systems through school management systems. It has benefited teachers, students, and parents.

But why should schools use school management systems instead of traditional systems? What benefits do they have?

Mentioned below are 8 benefits of using cloud technologies in schools:

1. Automatic Updates

School management systems hosted on cloud technologies update themselves automatically and install and configure new versions without a system administrator's need to configure and manage this system every time.

When it comes to schools, it might not be very pocket-friendly to hire a full-time system administrator to look after the software updates and install and configure them every time the developer provides it.

2. Reduced Capital And Operating Expenditure

The school management system used with cloud technology does not require the school to buy costly hardware, reducing capital expenditure. The only requirement is high-speed internet and good quality computers and laptops, which are easily available in schools these days. The fee charged by cloud technologies is monthly or yearly and includes all the features that let you start and stop your subscription anytime without worrying about the extra cost.

Since there is no extra cost involved apart from the licensing fee, it also reduces operational costs. Once trained, the users will be able to operate it without the need for maintenance and staff, and the maintenance cost will already be included in the licensing fee.

3. Flexibility

The school management system allows your employees to be more flexible. It lets teachers work from home and school. They can access the system from any device at any place they want. Similarly, the parents can also access the technology from any location or time they want. It helps with increasing the collaboration between teachers and students.

4. Disaster Recovery

If your computer gets damaged or infected with malware, then there is a high chance of all the data getting lost. Even if data is safe, it will affect the school operations and require an expert to fix it. But with the school management system, that won't be the case.

Disaster recovery is well planned and managed by the developers already. They will have a support system and expertise in managing such disasters and recovering the system in a very short period.

5. Security

School management systems also provide the best security for data and disaster recovery services, which is generally difficult for schools to manage traditionally hosted software.

The developers will have the best security practices, including physical security within the program. The developers will be aware of all the industry's threats and trends, which will make the technology very secure for your school.

6. Environment Friendly

School management systems hosted on cloud technology are environment-friendly due to fewer hardware resources, which take up a lot of energy and emit heat. If the same software is hosted in school, it will use up to 90% of the hardware storage capacity and encourage capital expenditure. With button-using cloud technology, the software will be hosted so that everything is used to its full capacity and all the energy input is used to provide optimum hosting.

7. Scalability

It refers to the ability to upscale or downscale the school management system based on its demand. There will be certain days when all the parents will use it simultaneously, and in that case, this software will automatically upscale without any manual intervention.

8. Collaboration

The school management system provides collaboration as users can work anytime, anywhere, and when it comes to school, the users are parents, teachers, and students. The most frequent users will be parents and teachers.

Parents spread out across geographical areas can access the system from different devices, whereas teachers can use the system regularly from school and occasionally from home. It can only be made possible with the help of cloud technologies. The number of users at a given point in time is not limited and allows many parents to check exam results and pay the fee simultaneously from a different location.

Originally published on January 13, 2021