How eLearning Can Help You Brush Up On Your Computer Skills

Computer Skills Through eLearning - How eLearning Can Help You Brush Up On Your Computer Skills

Computer Skills Through eLearning - How eLearning Can Help You Brush Up On Your Computer Skills

Improve Your Computer Skills Through eLearning

Working in the tech age, there’s a lot you need to know. You need to wear many, many hats, especially in the beginning of your career, and you have to be willing to dip your toes into everything from digital marketing to bookkeeping to even coding. That doesn’t mean you have to (or can be) an expert in everything, but you will need to know enough about various subjects to hire others to take on what you can’t.

One vital skill that many employees lack is advanced computer skills. Most people now have enough basic computer literacy to manage email, a few online programs, and the basic office suites. But we’ve gotten to a point where these basics are sometimes not enough.

As the amount of digital education platforms and software continues to increase, now is the perfect time to think about using eLearning to brush up and improve your computer skills. Here are some of the skills and knowledge every employee should have surrounding everyday tech tools and devices.


Knowing how to code in basic languages is a huge asset to the tech age. You don’t have to be able to build your own website necessarily, but knowing the basics of programming will be immensely helpful. If you learn the basics of HTML and the platform your website functions on, you can make minor changes yourself, without the help of a developer. HTML is very easy to learn, and it can save you a lot of time and money when you’re tinkering with your site.


Data analysis has become a vital tool for small and large businesses alike, and if you don’t know how to use it, you should start to learn immediately. Google Analytics collects data from your website and marketing campaigns and shows you where your visitors are coming from and how they’re interacting with your site. This can help you make important decisions, save money, serve your customers, and sharpen your focus.

Cyber Security

You might think that as a small business owner or employee, you don’t have to worry about cyber attacks much. Unfortunately, cybercriminals attack businesses large and small, and you need to have a working knowledge of cyber security to reduce your chances of being targeted (and to be equipped for dealing with an attack should it occur). If there are regulations on data security in your industry, you’ll need to have another layer of knowledge to ensure you’re compliant and prevent fines. Some organizations who fall under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations have paid hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in fines for non-compliance. You are responsible for educating yourself on how to execute best practices and keep data safe.

Cloud Systems

Data storage is quickly beginning to shift over to cloud systems, and you should fully understand your options for Data Management, including the use of the cloud. Google Drive and Dropbox are examples of cloud-based storage systems, and many businesses now use them to save all their files. An introductory course should be all you need to get up to date on cloud computing.

Mobile Devices

We still work on desktops and laptops for the most part, but the fact is that we’re spending more and more time on our mobile devices, and our smartphones are now responsible for so many tasks in our lives. 86% of Americans between the ages of 18-29 and 83% of those 30-49 now own a smartphone and are expecting the ability to use them to interact with small businesses. Knowing how to ensure your site is mobile-friendly, how to offer mobile payment options, and including mobile devices in your marketing plans are all going to become increasingly important as time goes on.

Resources For Learning Computer Skills

As a small business owner, you probably don’t have the time and money to attend classes to expand your computer knowledge. Fortunately, that’s not necessary with the options for free and inexpensive eCourses, eBooks, and articles online that can help you learn more about all these skills and more. Not sure where to start? Hour of Code events and Codeacademy are 2 excellent resources for people with no prior programming experience. Google also offers a wealth of resources, including in-depth videos and certifications for Google Analytics. The information is out there if you’re willing to put in the effort—and brushing up on your computer skills can only help you and your business succeed!


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