4 Best Practices To Convert Classroom Training To Online Training

4 Best Practices To Convert Classroom Training To Online Training
SFIO CRACHO/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Organizations adopt eLearning to offset the limitations of classroom training. Converting existing classroom training material to online courses is a good place to start implementing eLearning. Read this article for tips that’ll ensure a smooth conversion process.

How To Convert Classroom Training To Online Training

eLearning is a training delivery format that is being adopted by an increasing number of organizations across the world. The growth in the demand for eLearning is primarily fueled by its cost-effectiveness, scalability, and ease of use.

As the first step toward implementing eLearning, many companies convert their instructor-led training (ILT) materials into online learning resources. Various benefits such as reduction in training expenditure and the flexibility to provide learning anytime, anywhere, on any device to learners are the main drivers behind the conversion.

In case you too are planning to move your classroom resources online, here are 4 proven tips to ensure you have a smooth transition.

1. Build A Business Case For The Conversion

Just as any other organizational initiative, the success of the conversion of your classroom training resources into eLearning depends on the support received from the top brass of your company. How can you convince your boss(es) that moving your ILT content to the web will help impart training better? You need to build a solid business case for the conversion. Here are some aspects you need to include in the business case.

  • The limitations of the currently-used classroom training.
  • The benefits of the technology-enabled learning format and how it helps overcome the limitations of the ILT methodology.
  • The cost of implementing online learning methodologies.
  • The amount of money that your company can save as a result of the conversion.

To know more about these aspects, check the interesting post Converting Classroom Training to eLearning – Making a Business Case.

2. Make the classroom content ready for moving online

One of the biggest misconceptions about converting ILT materials to eLearning courses is that these materials can be published online, as they are. However, this could result in online learning of poor quality. You need to perform the following tasks before you publish classroom materials online.

  • Organize the content properly.
    The content in most learning materials used in classrooms is not organized properly. This anomaly must be rectified before moving the ILT resources to the web. The learning content in these resources must be logically divided into units with topics and subtopics, so that a learner can understand the essential aspects of the course.
  • Fill in the “missing” content.
    Most ILT resources contain only 50% of what is actually taught to the learners, the rest is conveyed by the knowledge and effectiveness of the trainer in the form of examples, stories, and elaborations. So, you must arrange to cover the remaining 50%, to give a logical flow to the content, before publishing the resources online.
  • Incorporate interactivities in the content.
    We all know that ensuring high learner engagement levels is vital to the success of a corporate training program. Most classroom materials are devoid of interactive elements, as the instructor actively interacts with learners and engages them effectively. However, eLearning courses are self-paced learning materials, with no scope for interaction with a trainer. To overcome this problem and engage learners well, you need to add appropriate online learning interactivities to ILT resources.
  • Add assessments to the ILT materials.
    In most cases, classroom learning resources do not contain assessments. This is because trainers ask questions orally during ILT sessions. So, when you convert an instructor-led learning material into an online course, you must ensure that assessments are added to the eLearning course. This is necessary to measure your learners’ achievement of learning outcomes. Assessments check comprehension levels and reinforce learning.

3. Choose The Right Authoring Tool For The Conversion

The choice of the right authoring tool plays a key role in the effective conversion of ILT materials into good eLearning courses. Here are some of the aspects you need to consider, while selecting the right tool:

  • Your budget and the cost of the tool.
  • Level of interactivity required.
  • Time available for developing the online course.
  • eLearning design strategy.
  • Delivery method.
  • Scalability.

To know about these aspects in detail, check the interesting post 7 Considerations for Choosing a Content Authoring Tool.

4. Do NOT move all your ILT material online

Many organizations make the mistake of converting all their classroom training materials into online courses. It’s advisable to blend eLearning with classroom training. A good blend of classroom and web-based learning helps you leverage the benefits of both learning formats and get the best ROI on your training dollar.

Furthermore, when you move all your classroom resources to the web, there is a good chance that you may face a number of technical problems such as hardware glitches, software issues, and so on. These problems can be overcome by converting ILT resources in a phased manner. It’s better to launch a pilot “classroom to eLearning” program. The pilot program allows you to identify the technical and logistical problems involved in the conversion of classroom materials to web-based courses and resolve them in subsequent conversions.

Read more about integrating ILT initiatives with eLearning in this informative guide.

Proper conversion of ILT resources to eLearning courses helps you impart training in a flexible and cost-effective manner. Follow the tips listed above to get the best results, when you move your classroom materials online.

eBook Release: CommLab India
CommLab India
CommLab India specializes in leveraging rapid learning strategies and cutting-edge technologies to design custom eLearning courses that deliver exceptional value through scalability and speed of delivery.
Originally published on August 21, 2017