Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Your Corporate Training Programs

Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Your Corporate Training Programs

Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Your Corporate Training Programs

How To Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Your Corporate Training Programs

Measuring the value to an organization is a complex but important component of any corporate training course or program. At the very base, training should have a purpose — to inform, to teach, to improve, and to teach. Introducing evaluation and tying it to performance will identify if learning has occurred during and after training, and if job performance improvements have been realized. Measuring improvements in job performance will also provide valuable data for measuring the cost-benefits to the organization.

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Learning Management Systems - Assessing Return On Investment
Discover why return on investment (ROI) is top on your list of things to find out when considering adopting a Learning Management System (LMS) and need to build a business case.

Aligning Corporate Training With Organizational Goals

A key requirement for any organization is to ensure training and learning properly aligns with organizational goals. In best practice companies, all corporate training programs cascade down from the overall strategic goals. No programs are developed and implemented unless they are guaranteed to produce results that are identified as critical to the organization.

How do you ensure training aligns with business outcomes?

1. Identify The Business Needs

Ask your stakeholders and business partners the following questions:

2. Create The Learning Plan

Once you understand the business need, develop a corporate training and evaluation plan to meet the learning requirements associated with that need, based on the answers to the following questions:

3. Measure The Business Results

If you start with the company's business outcomes, you should also end with the company's business outcomes, and how the programs you design and deliver will affect them. To identify how learning aligns with business outcomes and meets the needs of stakeholders and business partners, you should find the answers to the following questions:

Implementing Learning & Training Evaluation

Before Learning:

During Learning:

After Learning:

Are you having barriers from your corporate training programs that are holding your business back? For more insight, watch our webinar Top Strategies For Assessing The ROI Of Online Learning.

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