7 Creative Ways To Use Social Media Groups In Online Training

7 Creative Ways To Use Social Media Groups In Online Training
TZIDO SUN/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Do you want to add more social interactivity and peer-based collaboration to your online training program? In this article, I’ll share 7 unexpected ways to incorporate social media groups into your online training strategy.

How To Use Social Media Groups In Online Training

Social media isn’t just for sharing quick course updates and announcing upcoming online training workshops. As a matter of fact, it can facilitate peer-based feedback and motivate remote employees who need an extra nudge. The secret is knowing how to use these highly effective online training tools to connect with corporate learners while keeping other tech distractions at bay. Here are 7 creative ways to use social media groups in your online training course.

1. Live Q&As

Live Q&As give employees the chance to ask questions in real time, thereby enhancing the benefits of online training and improving employee satisfaction. Announce the live Q&A on all social media platforms, corporate eLearning blogs, and the online training platform. Concentrate on a specific topic for each event to keep things organized. For example, invite questions that solely pertain to compliance issues or sales policies. Then host several events to cover a broad range of relevant topics. You might even create a Q&A schedule so that your corporate learners can plan ahead and start formulating their questions.

2. Group Collaboration Projects

Encourage employees to break off into teams and work together to create a presentation or solve a work-related challenge. They’re able to start their own closed social media groups to keep the communications private and share online training resources. Social media groups give them the opportunity to pool their skills and benefit from each other’s experience. They can also set up group events to keep track of project deadlines and milestones. For instance, on the 5th of the month they’ll meet to share their findings and suggest revisions for the group presentation.

3. Virtual Debates

This social media activity requires careful planning and clear ground rules. Otherwise, you’ll end up creating division among your workforce instead of facilitating peer-based interactions. Break the group into pairs and then assign each a topic. One employee must argue in favor of the topic or speak from a specific viewpoint. The other takes the opposing position during the debate. For example, the pair must explore a controversial compliance topic from both sides, such as whether the current health and safety regulations are up to par or if the dress code helps on-the-job performance or hinders employee morale.

4. Motivational Giveaways And Contests

Rewards can motivate employees to participate in online training and encourage them to engage with their peers. Host a giveaway or contest with a free gift card or one-on-one online training session up for grabs. They must comment on the original post or share it with their peer network to enter. You can even offer a more elaborate prize for more involved contests. For instance, employees need to create an online presentation, upload the online training content, and earn votes from their coworkers. The one with the most likes gets a certificate and a free pass or paid day off.

5. Group Events

Another notable feature of social media groups is online events. This involves two Facebook functions. The first is the event announcements which allow you to schedule live online training sessions in advance and boost attendance. The post appears on your group wall and members receive automatic notifications. They even have the chance to RSVP or politely decline the invitation. The second step is launching a live event video where you can interact with group members and field questions. Facebook Live allows you to collaborate with your followers in real time. They have the ability to leave comments and reply to their peers. For example, help a fellow employee broaden their understanding of the topic by linking to an external article.

6. Collaborative Online Training Resource Lists

Create an ongoing list of online training resources that employees can use to expand their knowledge base and improve work performance. Invite them to submit their own links or compile a microlearning online training repository. Τhen, share it with the social media group. Take it a step further by encouraging employees to develop their own online training materials and add them to the social media group database. This also enables them to receive peer-based feedback and deepen their own understanding of the topic. They must summarize the key points in order to create the online training content and convey the takeaways. If you do opt for collaborative lists, make sure to set some ground rules and clarify expectations. Employees should know which types of resources are acceptable and how to differentiate fact from fiction. For instance, avoid using gossip sites or opinion blogs.

7. Learner-Led Weekly Video Series

This is another way to involve remote employees and facilitate peer-based collaboration. Not to mention, strengthen tech and communication skills. Assign employees a topic or let them choose their own based on personal interests or talents. Then invite them to guest host an episode of your weekly social media series. They can use the live video feature to present the topic and share relevant online training resources with viewers. If they’re more comfortable with audio-only, allow them to record podcasts and post them to the group page. Another option is to divide employees into teams so that they can tackle more involved subject matters. As an example, develop several episodes that center on different compliance issues or customer service policies. Once again, it’s wise to create guidelines in advance to clarify expectations and provide a list of resources for subject matter research.

These social media group activities fuel engagement and prompt employees to participate. They also help to avoid some of the most common pitfalls of self-guided online training, such as feelings of isolation or loneliness. Employees are able to interact with their peers and gain valuable feedback that allows them to improve. Then work on personal gaps during their asynchronous online training sessions.

Social media can also help you collect valuable feedback to improve your online training course. Read the article 8 Top Tips For Conducting eLearning Social Media Polls to discover top tips to conduct eLearning social media polls to enhance your corporate eLearning strategy.

Originally published on October 11, 2018