9 Tips To Improve Your Safety Compliance Online Training Program

9 Tips To Improve Your Safety Compliance Online Training Program
Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Safety compliance online training ensures the well being of your employees and prevents costly citations. But how do you make mandatory safety compliance online training engaging and entertaining? In this article, I'll share 9 tips to improve your safety compliance online training program.

How To Improve Your Safety Compliance Online Training Program

Safety compliance online training is an absolute must. It helps prevent on-the-job injuries and promotes safe work practices. Despite the benefits, however, most employees dread compliance training. Fortunately, there are ways that you can make your safety compliance online training more effective and interactive. The key is using learning technologies to emphasize real-world applications and consequences.

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1. Add Branching Scenarios To Improve Problem-Solving Skills

Branching scenarios involve real-world situations or challenges that employees must resolve. For example, dealing with a hazardous spill clean-up or determining which safety gear is right for the task. As such, they help employees improve problem-solving skills, which they can apply in the workplace. Use realistic images, characters, and dialogue to make the branching scenario more immersive.

2. Incorporate Interactive Online Training Simulations That Build Real-World Experience

Online Training simulations are a must-have for safety compliance online training. They allow employees to explore real-world environments and situations firsthand. This imparts valuable real-world experience and lessens the forgetting curve. You can use online training simulations for virtually any safety-related task or topic. For example, to teach employees how to use patient management software in medical environments. Once again, it's essential to include real-world images and other online training scenarios to impart practical experience.

3. Clarify Guidelines And Expectations At Regular Intervals

Most safety compliance online training programs begin with a brief summary of what the online training course entails and why the safety compliance online training is mandatory. However, you should also be clear about how employees are expected to participate and the benefits of doing so. For example, how the safety compliance online training will help reduce work-related accidents. It's also wise to refresh their memory from time to time during the online training experience. For instance, at the end of each online training module reiterate the importance of active involvement and why the safety compliance online training is so beneficial.

4. Provide Microlearning Compliance Support Resources

Microlearning compliance support resources are quick to consume and easily accessible. Typically, they take just a few minutes to complete and focus on a specific topic or task. This makes them ideal for "moment of need" support and reinforcing key concepts. Employees can access the microlearning compliance support resources when they need to refresh their memory or bridge a personal gap. For instance, an employee is still a bit unsure about the OSHA regulations. Microlearning compliance support resources give them the power to improve their understanding before the certification exam.

5. Integrate Real-World Examples And Storytelling

Real-world examples and storiytelling make safety compliance online training personal and relatable. Employees are able to see how the information ties into real-world applications. Therefore, they are more likely to participate in the safety compliance online training. Real-world examples and storytelling in online training also emphasize the benefits of safety compliance. Instead of reading about the advantages, employees are able to see how the character uses the information to overcome challenges, and how they can do the same to solve everyday challenges or improve their performance.

6. Develop Effective Certification Programs

Create a separate certification program for each skill, task, or sub-topic. Then invite employees to sign up for online training courses that tie into their job duties or departments. This gives them the chance to focus on one topic at a time, which reduces cognitive overload. Employees are also able to display their proficiency and feel a sense of accomplishment. In some cases, the certifications may be useful during compliance audits. For example, regulatory boards can view your certification LMS reports to ensure that everyone is up to date.

7. Include Online Training Video Demos

Certain tasks require a visual walkthrough. As such, you may want to consider online training video demos to highlight every step of the process. That includes the tools that employees need to complete the task, as well as the essential skills. You can even incorporate links to microlearning online training resources that broaden their understanding. For instance, at the end of the first step employees have the opportunity to access supplemental online tutorials or manuals.

8. Gather Employee Feedback

There are two common ways to gauge the effectiveness of your safety compliance online training. The first is online training assessments. You test employees at the end of each safety compliance online training course or module to gauge their level of understanding. The second is gathering employee feedback. This may be in the form of surveys, interviews, observations, or focus groups, just to name a few. Employee feedback allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your safety compliance online training strategy. For example, you may discover your employees need more interactivity or real-world context. In response, you can incorporate online training simulations and scenarios to immerse them in realistic environments.

9. Use Social Media To Enhance Manager Involvement

Managers, supervisors, and other members of leadership must set the example. They must stress the importance of safety compliance and actively engage with their subordinates. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by integrating social media tools into your online training strategy. Encourage managers to set up social media groups for their teams or interact with their department in online forums. Social learning tools also give employees the chance to ask questions and address concerns, as well as receive feedback from their peers. If managers are willing, you might even consider monthly webinars that focus on specific compliance topics. Each department head can host their own live events and then answer attendee questions in real time.

Safety compliance online training may not be the crowd favorite. You can use these 9 tips to make the online training experience more enjoyable and effective, though. Employees have the opportunity to put their skills into action and observe work practices firsthand. As a result, they get the full benefit from your safety compliance online training.

Are you looking for ways to make your compliance online training more fun and engaging? Read the article 8 Tips To Use Compliance Online Training Gamification To Collect Feedback and learn 8 tips to use gamification to collect feedback and entertain your online learners.

Originally published on March 20, 2017