Data Analytics In eLearning: How To Use Them And Answer Your Questions

Data Analytics In eLearning: How To Use Them And Answer Your Questions

Data Analytics In eLearning: How To Use Them And Answer Your Questions

Using Data Analytics In eLearning Can Help You Answer Your Questions

"Can I assess the eLearning performance of my learners? How can I do that?". There might be questions you are not able to answer. Data analytics in eLearning can assist you in answering those. Let's have a look at the questions you possibly ask, and the answers data analytics can provide you with.

1. Are Your Users Hooked?

To assess whether your eLearning is engaging, and is supporting your learners on an ongoing basis, you need to know that your users are hooked. In other words, check whether they are returning to your content for more after the first time, by looking at the number of users and sessions.

2. Are Learners Completing Your Content?

It’s no good if learners are accessing your content, but losing interest quickly, and leaving before they see value. But "completion rate" isn’t always the right metric. Performance support topics for example, may be something that learners dip in and out of, rather than navigate as a linear experience.

For content where completion is important, for example a mandatory compliance training module, you will need to track completion rates.

If your completion rate is low, it would be useful for you to also collect data on where you are losing learners, so that you can identify ways to retain them.

Get more tips on how to use data to cultivate your eLearning.

3. How Many Learners Are You Reaching?

Measure your number of unique users against your target number of users to see whether your eLearning is meeting the objectives you set in the planning stage.

For further insight, collect granular data about the number of learners you have attracted in different locations. This will help you identify any trends or pick out any quiet geographical areas. Use this information to develop a strategy to expand your current eLearning, as well as to inform the launch of future content.

4. What Devices Are Your Learners Using?

Discovering the most popular devices with your learners means that you can tweak your content to give your learner the best possible experience on their favourite device.

For example, if the majority of your learners are accessing from their mobiles, check whether your content is designed to be mobile-friendly, or whether making some small adjustments would mean your content is more digestible and engaging on a mobile device.

Useful data to collect here would be the number of unique users from each device, as well as the completion rate for each device. If your eLearning isn’t optimized for mobile, this could be the device with the highest number of unique users but the lowest completion rate.

5. What’s The Average User Session?

The time of your average user session is useful in more ways than one. It’s a brilliant indicator of engagement and interest in your content, but it’ll also teach you about "learning windows". Consider what might be the ideal length for a topic, and use this information to improve existing content, as well as inform the structure of future eLearning.


Data is the most powerful tool in your box when it comes to assessing the performance of your eLearning. To gather as much visibility as possible, consider using a data dashboard, and pick one with live user statistics, so that you always have the most up-to-date information. Elucidat’s analytics dashboards give you both high level and granular insight into how your eLearning content is performing.

Download the free guide: How to use data to design and refine your eLearning


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