10 Tips For Creating Even Better Design Documents

10 Tips For Creating Even Better Design Documents

10 Tips For Creating Even Better Design Documents

Design Documents: 10 Ways To Enhance Your Creation

Writing a detailed design or outline is both art and science. It is science because there are steps and a process to follow. It is art because each project does not easily fit into a cookie-cutter mold. An effective detailed design begins with a basic outline; then, the expertise of the designer, the parameters of the project team and the needs of the client are incorporated to shape the final product.

Effective storyboards are created using a few key principles, once a detailed design is completed. The detailed design is your roadmap for developing the storyboards; the storyboards then fill the features into that roadmap.

After years of experience, we have identified a handful of key principles that lead to faster client approval and fewer edits during the design and development process, and this article outlines 10 key principles. As you apply these tips to your Instructional Design projects, you should be able to better maximize your development efficiencies.

1. Learner Characteristics

When identifying learner characteristics, you should:

2. Content And Content Resources

When identifying content and content resources, you should:

3. Subject Matter Experts

When identifying Subject Matter Experts, you should:

4. Instructional Strategies

When identifying instructional strategies (learners need to make a connection between the new knowledge and existing knowledge), you should:

5. Sequencing Content

When sequencing content (flow and chunking), you should:

6. Objectives

When writing objectives, you should:

7. Assessments

When developing assessments, you should:

8. Practice Methodology

When determining practice methodology (presentation method, case study, role-play, games, simulations, etc.), you should:

9. A Detailed Design Or Outline

When developing a detailed design or outline, you should:

10. An Internal Or Client Review

When conducting an internal or client review, you should:

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