How To Develop Interpersonal Skills In eLearning Paradigm

Develop Interpersonal Skills In eLearning Paradigm
Vitalii Vodolazskyi/
Summary: Mobile devices and online educational resources have changed the face of global education. eLearning is now just a click away. There are quite a number of mobile apps and online websites, which can be used by learners to have interaction with the instructor, set study goals, receive personalized tutoring, and engage in discussion forums. On the other hand, there is a lack of variety in eLearning tools and it may get monotonous for the student. Therefore, the instructor should always be available and the students should not feel that the course content is monotonous.

7 Tips For Developing Interpersonal Skills In eLearning Paradigm

There are a number of ways through which you can make your course more engaging. For example, some online resources allow learners to discuss various aspects of the subject matter or have discussions to share their experiences with each other. If the course content is the same for all learners, it will be boring for the rest. In addition, make it fun for the learner and motivate them to complete their course. Another method of facilitating eLearning course development is the development of social skills.

The content of the course and lecture style should never be boring. Try adding cultural enrichment, which is essential for understanding the complexities of each subject. Also, try to ensure that the students will learn from the eLearning experience rather than getting educated by the Learning Management System. Also, make sure to have personalized lesson plans so that learners will not forget anything and, at the same time, will not get bored. The teacher should also ensure that students are entertained throughout the course.

The use of a VR device or Virtual Reality is another great way to make learning interesting for the students. It makes learning more engaging and interactive. The device is played like a video game, so it has a life-like appearance to a viewer. There are online videos and 3D immersive videos with a real-world environment for students. There are some practical examples where students can interact with an instructor who acts like a video game character.

An instructor can encourage a team of students to work together to create their own 2D or 3D environment and make it part of the online course. Students can learn more than one topic from the same class because the content can be linked to the content from other classes helping to contextualize learning. The process of designing a Virtual Reality platform is quite challenging, but the benefits are limitless. The platform can easily be used by instructors to update the structure of the course. The students are used to the virtual world and this can motivate them to do the work well.

Interpersonal skills are not easily taught. It's not something you can be taught by a good English teacher or a good philosopher. It's an innate quality that most people possess and will have to work at developing. However, if you can develop your interpersonal skills, you can make a huge impact on your career and life. Check out these 7 tips on developing your interpersonal skills in the renewed eLearning paradigm and maximize your potential.

1. Be A Good Listener And Pay Attention During Online Sessions

Being a good listener is a skill that is sometimes difficult to acquire. Whenever you're in an online session, you should have some idea about what your friends/instructors are talking about. In conversations, you can either act as an interlocutor or a listener.

2. Maintain Focus On The Content

Maintain focus on the content and keep your mental deliberation limited to the topic. Do not wander around.

3. Don't Interrupt

Interrupting a conversation will make your interlocutor feel that you don't respect their time. If you have to interrupt, always take a break and refresh your mind.

4. Suggest An Alternative Way

When someone says something that contradicts your views, it's very important to offer a valid alternative to the issue they're bringing up.

5. Be Tactful

To be tactful in a conversation, try not to bring up uncomfortable subjects. For example, you don't want to tell your colleague that their work is terrible.

6. Speak Your Mind

Your opinion is important. Keep it to yourself if you're not sure about it. People love having your point of view.

People can take years of practice to be able to effectively manage people, manage conflict, manage long-term relationships, and manage life. This part of you, your drive to thrive and succeed, is meant to be respected and praised. Embrace it, live it, and thrive in it.

7. Respect The Need For Others

All that takes tremendous courage and strength to actually be able to get up and do that day in and day out because it is based on respect. People are human beings, and we have different needs. We will be much happier if we just accept that, without having to over-indulge ourselves. Acceptance of other people's basic human needs and desires is a key component of positive psychology. In order for your business to be successful, you need to respect the need for other people to feel valued and see value in themselves

Originally published on December 6, 2020
Originally published at