Pricing Options - KMI LMS: Extended Enterprise

Learn more about KMI LMS: Extended Enterprise's pricing options so you can make a business-wise decision on the best software to use.

Pricing Model
  • Subscription
  • Paid
Starting Price
  • N/A
Free Trial
  • No

Our costs are variable depending on your needs for integration and other services during the implementation process and the number of users that will be accessing the LMS. Implementation fees generally run between $5k-$20k. User fees run from $25.00/user/year at 1000 or fewer to $5.00/user/year at 50k+ users. We also have a cloud-based LMS solution that starts at $650.00 per month. We almost always negotiate a flat rate based on the anticipated number of users and then adjust periodically, up or down, depending on actual usage. We are happy to negotiate discounts based on length of contract and on your need for our content development services.