eLearning Assessment Trends And Strategies

eLearning Assessment Trends And Strategies
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Summary: eLearning modules and training are expanding in recent times. These modern trends in eLearning create the need for reliable assessment.

eLearning Trends And Strategies

Assessment is the testing of a learner’s knowledge after completing a course. Technological assessment methods are replacing the traditional pen-and-paper tests. Qualitative assessment plays a crucial role in this progress. While these methods are beneficial, they are dependant on memorization. They don’t help improve decision-making and thought processes. Replacing them with new eLearning strategies increases the credibility and learning quotient of eTraining. eLearning assessments include quizzes, end-of-module testing, and short or essay answers.

What Is Qualitative Testing?

Qualitative testing is the process of assessing a learner’s application abilities. It identifies and helps with soft skills, decision-making, applying solutions to real-life problems, etc. Implementing qualitative testing in eLearning assessments reduces the stress of memorizing. It motivates learners to work on their problem-solving skills by using the resources at hand. It also measures the understanding of a learner accurately. The new trend in eLearning exposes areas requiring improvement, making learning experiences better. The shift in focus from quantitative to qualitative eliminates the fear of numbers. The only shortcoming is the difficulty in implementing these eLearning strategies.

eLearning Strategies

New eLearning strategies like continuous assessment, scenario solving, open-ended questions, case studies, etc., improve testing. Apart from these, one-on-one conferences also help understand thought processes. A few methods for eLearning assessments are as detailed below:

1. Continuous Assessment

A modern and helpful technique would be giving critical information throughout the assessment process, including the knowledge necessary between questions to make understanding easy. Continuous assessment helps identify mistakes from the previous questions more easily. A self-assessment helps one perform better for the next question. The loop continues, incrementally increasing in difficulty, like levels in a game. On the one hand, this improves the understanding of the module. On the other hand, it prevents knowledge overdose, leading to better memory. One example of an eLearning platform using this strategy is Duolingo. The language learning app uses modern eLearning strategies to understand learners’ capabilities. Implementing this method can assess the strengths and weaknesses of the learner better.

2. Decision-Making Scenarios

Often, applying the knowledge is not as simple as in theory. eLearning assessments involving decision-making scenarios make this simpler. It helps with using skills such as soft skills, derivation, understanding, etc. This type of assessment involves arriving at solutions to problems similar to real life. Using the resources, questions, and manuals, one can arrive at suitable solutions. This trend in eLearning helps one think similarly in case such a situation really occurs. Decision-making scenarios are effective in learning life skills. They also help apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems.

3. Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions are open to interpretation. They allow branching out and logical thinking to arrive at solutions. The creative freedom involved gives rise to new approaches. As one of the new eLearning strategies, open-ended questions are difficult to grade. They are a learning opportunity for the learner and the teacher. Creating a rubric or guideline makes the marking process better. Open-ended questions also open up a variety of possibilities. The focus on one’s interpretation of a problem and solution helps in real life. There will be a contribution of numerous ideas instead of one standard idea. This aids leaders in identifying unique and efficient solutions.


Changing the format from traditional eLearning assessments like quizzes and tests is difficult. Breaking the usual structure of information-practice-test opens new possibilities. It makes learning enjoyable and effective. Temporary memorization gets replaced by an understanding for a lifetime.

The methods used presently are effective. They question the knowledge gained in a theoretical manner. One cannot rely on theory-based applications in real life. They focus on improving remembrance rather than application. New trends in eLearning focus more on applying the knowledge learned. The replication of real-life scenarios helps people think on their feet. It assists street-smarts.

The use of qualitative eLearning assessments makes applying theoretical knowledge easier. New assessment methods are helpful at any point in the future. They make courses more than just certifications and single tests. Qualitative testing measures the level of comprehension of a learner. Understanding comprehensive abilities helps create personalized plans to learn at your own pace.

The new eLearning strategies are influential in combining techniques. Learning and assessment modules can use game-based methods. Game-based modules make learning fun and also beneficial. Including qualitative assessments changes the face of eLearning.

Originally published on December 19, 2021