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BoostHQ- Knowledge Sharing Platform
Ehsan Memari
Marketing Manager at SkyPrep LMS
Ehsan Memari is a blogger for BoostHQ. The leading knowledge sharing platform for organization to share, centralize and discuss internal knowledge. Ehsan is a regular contributor to blog posts related to knowledge sharing, L&D and eLearning.
User-generated content (UGC) has been a commonly used term for quite a few years now. The new variation of that term is EGC, which stands for employee-generated content. Right from the name, you can tell what it means, i.e., this is the content that employees create.
Knowledge sharing can be satiating and essential in a competitive corporate setting. The significance of knowledge sharing platforms shouldn’t be ignored or underrated, but considered as a prospect for businesses to invigorate their workers with valuable content that can save the day in a crisis.