The eLearning Industry Badges And How To Earn Them

The eLearning Industry Badges And How To Earn Them
Summary: With our gamification update almost live, here's a little sneak peek of what to expect from the first series of badges!

Time To Shine

The eLearning Industry Badges are almost here and we thought that you might want to have a first look at what will be soon going on. If you missed last week's update, you can catch up here. Today, we are going to discuss what badges our authors will be able to win once the update goes live. There might be a few changes until then, but this is definitely going to give you a taste of things to come.

Editor's Choice

The Editor's Choice Badge is awarded to the articles that earn an Editor's Choice Award. Each article that is submitted to us is reviewed by our editorial team. The ones that truly stand out in terms of quality, originality, use of the language, and structure are hand-picked by our editor-in-chief and voted by all members of our editorial team.

Topic Specialist

We accept submissions by all L&D professionals as long as the articles are relevant to our audience. That being said, we wanted a way to reward authors who specialize in a certain field, and that's how we came up with the Specialist Badge. You earn this badge by having 5 published submissions under your name on the same topic.

Topic Authority

An upgraded form of the Topic Specialist Badge, Topic Authority further rewards dedication to a single aspect of the L&D file. It is earned by having 10 published articles on the same topic.


The Advocate is a special badge that is awarded to those who promote ideas that benefit humanity, such as justice, equality, and making the world a better place, through their work and articles.

Years (X)

This badge celebrates the authors who have been with us for more than a year. You get one instance of this badge for each year you have been a member of eLearning Industry.

Rising Star

The Rising Star Badge is the first badge most authors will probably earn. All you need in order to acquire this is to complete your profile and publish your first article.


We want every author in eLearning Industry to experience a journey of growth. As your content grows, so does your audience and the impact your knowledge has on other people's lives. The Expert Badge is awarded after the publication of an author's fifth article.


The title of this badge might be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but make no mistake, earning it is no laughing matter. In order to conquer this badge, an author has to have 10 published articles but also own at least one Editor's Choice Badge and one Specialist Badge.

Thought Leader

The coveted Thought Leader Badge is reserved only for those who have shown the highest persistence in their endeavors. The number of required published articles is increased to 20, along with 2 Editor's Choice Awards and at least 2 Specialist Badges.


This badge is truly legendary. This is the Holy Grail of eLearning Industry badges, an ever-elusive award shrouded in speculation and rumor. The Legend Badge requires no less than 30 published submissions, 3 Editorial's Choice Awards, 1 Topic Specialist Badges,1 Topic Authority Badge, and 1 more Specialist or Authority Badge.

Easter Egg Badges

But that's not all though. There are still many more badges for you to discover. Some will be implemented in the future, some will be there from the very beginning but secret, although we *might* drop a few hints about them next week.

Join Us In The Next Stage

eLearning Industry has always been about democratizing our niche. We are firm believers in giving everyone a voice, in a way that benefits the entire community. If you are an L&D professional, your voice needs to be heard. Your work, your views about the current development, your vision about the future of our industry, they are all valuable to us and our community. You can sign up on our website with your LinkedIn account and share with us your first article. All articles are proofread and SEO-edited manually by our team to ensure the best experience possible, both for you and our audience. Tune in next week for a more in-depth analysis of what to expect!