Do eLearning Templates Matter? Considerations For Designers And Learners

Do eLearning Templates Matter? Considerations For Designers And Learners

Do eLearning Templates Matter? Considerations For Designers And Learners

eLearning Templates: 6 Considerations For Designers And Learners

There is a delicate balance for learners between consistency and sameness. Consistency leads to instinctual behavior and ease of use for a learner. Sameness leads to boredom. Templates in the eLearning development process within an eLearning authoring tool should highlight what aids the learner, but also should provide time and effort savings to the designer without inhibiting their ability to create effective training material. Here are some factors to consider.

3 Considerations For The Learner

1. Consistency

The learner should be able to focus on the task at hand, which is learning. A templated approach eliminates the mental overhead of deciphering how the material is being delivered, since the goal is to deliver the learning content in a predictable and consistent manner. Whether this is consistent formatting of static content such as key terms or helpful tips, or interactive presentations and assessments, consistency streamlines the process of engagement.

2. Variety

Templates should have enough variety to give the sense of familiarity without seeming completely repetitive or inappropriate. Learners should be engaged and assessed in a variety of ways dependant on the learning outcomes. Providing learning content in a proper variety of ways will keep the learning engaging. Forcing learning content into a format that does not match the outcome can be felt by the learner.

3. Platform/Device Freedom

Learners should be able to learn without restrictions on the available device. The users should not have to worry about restrictions on technology such as plug-ins or players. Responsive and adaptive behaviors in templates allow the learner to absorb the learning equally across all devices. In an ideal scenario, the templates should not only scale to fit on smaller devices (responsive), but should provide a different and more effective delivery of content for a smaller scale device (adaptive).

Considerations For The Designer

1. Streamlining And Reusability

As a designer, you want templates to provide you with savings in time and effort.

2. Customizability And Brand Integration

It is important to be able to make your learning content reflect your look and feel, as well as your brand. But it is also important that these allowances are not cumbersome to implement.

3. Flexibility And Completeness

Ultimately, we all want to have the satisfaction of knowing that we have created the best learning material possible for our learners. In order for this to happen, you need flexibility and depth in the available templates.

eLearning templates can enhance or detract from the experience of the learner as well as the designer. Choosing to use a templated approach, as well as choosing an authoring tool, should be done with considerations for both of these important parties in mind.

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