eLearning Thought Leader Q&A: Talking The #NoCode Movement And Lifelong Learning With Mike Taylor

eLearning Thought Leader Q&A: Talking The #NoCode Movement And Lifelong Learning With Mike Taylor
Summary: This eLearning Thought Leader Q&A features Mike Taylor, who is well known for his practical, street-savvy approach.

Mike Taylor Sheds Light On #NoCode Tech And Integrated Ecosystems

Mike Taylor is on a mission to help organizations take their learning programs to the next level, incorporating research-based practices from marketing, learning, and technology. He organizes speeches and workshops, and runs a blog where he talks about everything related to learning, design, and technology. With a wealth of real-life, in-the-trenches experience, Mike understands that effective learning isn’t about the latest fad or trendy new tools. Known for his practical, street-savvy style, Mike directs learning technology and online learning at Mindset Digital in Columbus, Ohio. He also has an MBA from Ohio University and a Master’s in Educational Technology from San Diego State. Today, he talks with us about his “learning out loud” practice and creating custom solutions without coding experience.

You’ve been working in the workplace learning field for over 20 years. Is there a piece of advice you would like to give to new learning experience designers?

Always be curious. Search for the underlying reasons, look for a better way, and most importantly, never stop learning. One of the best resources I have is my network. For me, there is no better way to become a great professional than by building a great network.

You’re well known for your insightful “Friday Finds” blog posts. Can you tell our readers a bit more about this content and what they can expect to find in your weekly newsletter?

My newsletter is an important part of my “learning out loud” practice. I make time to read every morning and collect the best things I find each week from the fields of learning, design, and technology for my weekly newsletter. It includes five top items of interest, three podcasts I think are most valuable, and five new technologies or tools. It is free and anyone can subscribe from my website.

For anyone who may be interested in more details, I recently posted a behind-the-scenes look at how I put it together each week here.

You’re a highly rated speaker at industry events. Which presentation topics are you most passionate about and why?

Tough question. A couple of the top things include some of the things that L&D can (and should) steal from the marketing field, along with the learning tech side—especially the #NoCode movement, which will be a huge benefit for L&D professionals.

What excites you most about the future of learning experience design? Are there any eLearning tech trends we should be on the lookout for?

I’m really excited about the potential of #NoCode technologies that enable us to create custom solutions without needing to code. I’m also excited about how learning tech stacks are becoming more and more able to connect with each other into a truly integrated ecosystem. Instead of the old thinking of one big platform (which did a lot of jobs poorly), we’re increasingly able to deploy the best solutions for targeted challenges and integrate them with each other.

Wrapping Up

A big thanks to Mike Taylor for participating in our Thought Leader Q&A. Mike was also featured on our eLearning Trailblazers [2022] list for his commitment to making tech approachable and his unique perspective on learning design.

Originally published on June 24, 2022