8 Tips For Launching Your eLearning YouTube Channel

8 Tips For Launching Your eLearning YouTube Channel

8 Tips For Launching Your eLearning YouTube Channel

Launching Your eLearning YouTube Channel: 8 Tips To Consider

If you're looking to grow your eLearning brand and teach tips and tricks to other professionals, launching a YouTube channel may be a worthy option for you to consider.

With users and watch time steadily increasing year over year, YouTube videos can be a powerful tool to tell your story and spread your message. Especially in the world of eLearning where many products and tools are heavily visual-based.

Just do a quick search and you'll find that tips, information, and advice about eLearning is a very underserved niche on YouTube. There are a few good channels out there. But with a vetted strategy and a bit of planning, there is a surplus of opportunity to grow your eLearning brand on YouTube.

But just like any venture, launching a YouTube channel is a challenging task that requires careful planning and continued attention.

Before you get started, check out these eight tips:

1. Ask Yourself, "Why?"

Why do you want to create a YouTube channel? Is it to grow your business? Is it to sell your own eLearning services? Is it because you see a gap in available eLearning information?

Creating a successful YouTube channel takes years of continuous work. Before you jump into shooting your videos, it's important to know how a YouTube channel fits into your larger career goals. Write down your reasons on a piece of paper and see if your reasons align.

After going through this exercise, you may find that YouTube isn't the best method to share your message. Or maybe you find it's the perfect fit.

2. Do Your Research To Hone In On A Niche Focus

Ok you've decided to start your YouTube channel. Now it's time to do your research and determine a focus area. Sometimes this can be the most challenging part. Like most marketing strategies, targeting a niche area will be more impactful in the long-run.

The goal here is to find the intersection between your own expertise and missing information that currently isn't available on YouTube.

If you're not sure where to start, ask yourself this question:

"If I were an eLearning professional looking to learn new information, tips or advice, what would I want to know?"

Write down your list of ideas. By putting yourself in the mind of the learner, you'll easily be able to brainstorm a solid list of creative video ideas for your new channel.

One example of a highly targeted niche would be educational YouTube channel, Jam Campus. Using a targeted niche of K-12 educational songs, Jam Campus uses YouTube as a tool to bring awareness to their premium educational music video offering.

3. Always Add Value

This is hard to remember, but your YouTube videos are not about you. They're about your audience.

When creating any type of content on social media, it's best practice to always consider the value proposition for the audience. Is the information you are providing truly valuable? Will people want to watch?

4. Create A Content Plan

A good way to make sure you're always adding value is to have a content plan. This can be as simple as an excel file or Google sheet.

Start with ideas that you brainstorm yourself. Remember that you're the expert and you have a lot of valuable knowledge to share. Make a list of those ideas. Then assign completion dates to each.

To take it a step further, you can also do keyword research on your subject area. This process will allow you to see what terms people are searching for, and help you create videos that no one else is making.

5. Stay On Brand

Just like any business, branding on YouTube is key. If you have your own eLearning company, you'll want your YouTube brand to match your eLearning branding.

Creating video thumbnails, channel trailers, and branded watermarks are just a few of the many features YouTube offers to help with your branding.

Branding also extends to the content you provide. If you're an eLearning company, does it make sense to do an informational video about trees? Maybe. But, maybe not. Make sure your videos stay true to your brand and play a supporting role.

6. Be Consistent

Consistency is key on YouTube.

From creating consistent thumbnails to uploading new videos on a consistent schedule, people like digital content they can count on.

And while there is no set number of videos you should post per month, set a goal for yourself.

One good example of consistency is educational YouTube channel, The Urban Veg. With branded video thumbnails and curated playlists of similar videos, The Urban Veg uses consistency to teach beginners how to cook plant-based meals.

7. Create Quality Videos

No one likes a poor-quality video! But the good news is, you don't have to be Steven Speilberg to have a successful eLearning YouTube channel.

With a few basic video production tips, you can make your YouTube videos look professional and captivating for your audience.

And while expensive cameras may improve your video quality, all you really need is your smartphone to get started.

8. Share Your Videos With Your Network

For some of us, this may be the most difficult part. Sharing your YouTube videos with your network could be intimidating, as you risk potential humiliation and online heckling.

But to have a successful eLearning YouTube channel, you truly have to stop caring what others think. You have to be bold. Take the risk. Share the video. Brush off any negative comments thrown your way and move forward.

Sharing with your network is the best way to kickstart your YouTube channel and show your biggest fans the new direction you're taking.

Realize that it's ok if you're not an expert video creator right away. No one is an expert when they first start off. Just keep putting in the weekly work to make new videos, and your videos will get better and better with each upload.

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