Evaluate The Right Partner To Outsource Your eLearning Content Development: Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Evaluate The Right Partner To Outsource Your eLearning Content Development: Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Evaluate The Right Partner To Outsource Your eLearning Content Development: Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Ultimate Cheat Sheet To Evaluate The Right Partner To Outsource Your eLearning Content Development

In this article, I will share my “cheat sheet” that you can use to evaluate and select the right partner to outsource your eLearning content development.

eBook Release
Evaluate The Right Partner To Outsource Your eLearning Content Development
This eBook provides an evaluation cheat sheet that will put you ahead of the competition.

The Challenges When You Outsource Your eLearning Content Development

You can refer to my article Is Outsourcing eLearning Content Development Right For You to review the triggers that typically initiate the outsourcing process. The article also outlines the advantages of outsourcing your eLearning content development.

I quote from this article the challenges in outsourcing your eLearning content development that you should be mindful of as you structure your evaluation and selection process:

The success of your outsourcing strategy for eLearning development can go belly up on account of:

  1. Hidden costs.
    In your budgeting, you would have factored for the pay-out on account of outsourcing as well as time and budget for your Project Managers who would work with the outsourced team. The outsourced team’s inability to follow the brief accurately can often lead to higher review times adding to your costs. They may also add delays in your project schedules.
  2. Aspects that you can identify only after you begin outsourcing.
    During the evaluation phase as well in the pilot phase, you get to interact with your partner’s top notch talent. Once you start scaling (after looking at the initial success), you find the talent pool has changed. Often this leads to additional costs for you to cover the re-briefing, additional reviews, and quality issues.
  3. Inconsistency in performance and quality standards.
    Closely linked to the challenge outlined above, you often see a variation in the quality or lack of consistency. This too leads to additional review time and adding days to your project schedule to mitigate these challenges.
  4. Inability of your partner to adapt and align effectively to changing dynamics.
    Often, the business dynamics change, the kind of solutions your customers require now can change, and this can lead to a gap in what you gain from an existing partnership. (For instance, significant transitions like Flash to mLearning or the current need of fully responsive mobile learning solutions that need a different expertise set) can play havoc with your further planning. If the partner is not in sync with changing market expectations or what more is required, you may have a show-stopper.

Cheat Sheet For Evaluation To Outsource Your eLearning Content Development

Here is my “cheat sheet” that you can use during your evaluation process. As the list is fairly long, I have tagged this into 3 categories:

  1. Basics.
  2. Deep-dive.
  3. Success factors.

1. Basics. 

2. Deep-Dive. 

3. Success Factors. 

I hope these pointers would be useful in evaluating partners to outsource your eLearning content development. If you have any other pointers, do share them with me. I would like this list to be dynamic and will be updating this every 6 months to keep it current.

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