The Flipped Classroom For Learning And Development

The Flipped Classroom For Learning And Development
Summary: The inverted or “Flipped” classroom has been around since the 1920s, but has come into a new era of buzz thanks to the possibilities provided by eLearning. Here is why we need to start using the flipped classroom for Learning and Development.

Why We Need To Use The Flipped Classroom For Learning And Development

Before we delve into the topic of using the flipped classroom for Learning and Development, let us know what exactly is a flipped classroom.

A simple definition of the inverted classroom is given by  Maureen J. Lage,  “Inverting the classroom means that events that have traditionally taken place inside the classroom now take place outside the classroom and vice versa”. In reality, the definition is broader now:

A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. In a flipped classroom, learners watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research at home and engage in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor. The flipped classroom is a learner-centric model that focuses on applying learning, as opposed to the traditional course-centric model.

5 Benefits Of Flipped Classrooms

Most available research is scholarly and refers to experiments in education, notably K12 and university curricula. A few examples exist in business too. I have reviewed the available research results and have found the following key positive impacts:

1. Promising Outcomes.

In US studies of inverted classrooms tried in national education system, reported by the Flipped Learning Network:

  • 12% overall average improvement of student test scores, across all subjects.
  • 71% of the teachers who tried the inverted classroom method said student scores improved.
  • 80% of the teachers said that student attitudes to learning improved to be much more positive.
  • 99% of the teachers said they would use inverted classroom method for their next course.

2. Reduced Stress For The Learners.

Notably those in catch-up mode or those who had missed classes. Stress was also reduced for students with concerns about an upcoming course they found difficult, as they were able to get familiar with the subject before going into class.

3. Learning At The Rate Of The Learner, Not The Teacher.

The students can learn the cognitive matter outside the classroom at their own pace, which avoids classes being slowed down by students who need more time or re-explanations. Also students can review material at their own pace with no pressure from peers.

4. Application Of Learning Takes Place With The Teacher.

The expert or teacher is present when the crucial phase of learning, adapt and apply, takes place. This way the course teacher can see directly the impact of the course, it’s efficiency and any points for improvement.

5. Value-Added Use Of Class Time.

The precious time students have together with the teacher is not wasted on knowledge transfer, but put to good use strengthening skills and behaviors, which is particularly useful for Learning and Development.

The Benefits Of Using A Flipped Classroom For Learning And Development  

Learning and Development managers can better attain the “10:20:70” effort in learning model using the inverted classroom method with blended learning projects. Research shows that flipped classrooms can improve the learner engagement, ROI, and cost savings for enterprise Learning and Development.

1. It Offers An Opportunity For Blended Learning.

It gives an interesting twist to mundane training sessions like compliance training. With the flipped classroom model, the theory part of the training can be shared online while a follow-up classroom session can deal with queries and practical aspects of the training.

2. It Is Flexible For Learners.

The model also offers learners the freedom of reading up the eLearning course after the concepts have been discussed in the classroom session. This helps them gain a fresh perspective, which includes the views of trainers as well as fellow learners.

3. It Encourages Peer Learning.

With most organizations adopting Learning Management Systems to make online training available to learners, it is easy to identify learners who are quicker to understand concepts within an e-course. This is done by measuring the time learners take to complete the course and the various in-built assessments. These “quick-learners” can then be encouraged to share their knowledge in the classroom session, thereby encouraging peer learning.

4. It Facilitates Learning.

With the help of the Learning Management System, trainers can identify sections of the e-course where learners are excelling and where they are lagging. The trainers can then utilize classroom sessions to help the learners grasp the sections that are seemingly more difficult than the rest of the course. This helps in greater understanding of concepts.

Clearly, the benefits of a flipped classroom seem to be plenty in the corporate scenario.

Originally published on November 7, 2016