eBook Release - How Gamification Can Increase The Impact Of Your Compliance Training

Free eBook - How Gamification Can Increase The Impact Of Your Compliance Training

Free eBook - How Gamification Can Increase The Impact Of Your Compliance Training

How Gamification Can Increase The Impact Of Your Compliance Training

Can compliance courses be made engaging? Yes, of course! Although the compliance mandate does come across as compulsive and mundane to learners, there are ways to make compliance courses engaging and help learners understand why it is important for them to follow the organizational mandate and guidelines in a way they enjoy. At EI Design, one in every 6 courses we develop is for compliance. We treat every compliance mandate with an opportunity to instill the spirit of “why comply” in learners the engaging way. Our compliance mandate (“Compliance Simplified”) is over 14 years old and we keep exploring new ways and formats including gamification to make compliance courses engaging. Let us see how gamification can increase the impact of your compliance training.

eBook Release
How Gamification Can Increase The Impact Of Your Compliance Training
A thorough analysis on how to use gamification for making compliance training a joyful enterprise.

How Will This eBook Help You Understand How Gamification Can Uplift Compliance Trainings?

In the eBook How Gamification Can Increase The Impact Of Your Compliance Training, I have provided insights on how you can use gamification to enhance the learning experience of your compliance training.

It throws light on how you can completely gamify your compliance course or opt for partial gamification to bring in an element of engagement in your compliance training.

My next eBook, How To Create A Meaningful and Engaging Compliance Course, will showcase other innovative approaches that can enhance the stickiness of compliance courses.

About The eBook

Through two insightful articles, this eBook provides answers to questions such as:

Do download this eBook How Gamification Can Increase The Impact Of Your Compliance Training and use these cues to integrate gamification effectively in your compliance courses.

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