eBook Release – Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners

Free eBook – Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners
Summary: Although the concept of breaking up training into smaller pieces has been around for some time, microlearning has become increasingly relevant as technology changes the way we learn and work. The eBook Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners will help you understand how modern microlearning works, whether it’s right for you, ways it can be incorporated throughout the learning lifecycle, and examples of how other companies have used microlearning.

Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners

Learners have become more informed, and have more control over information in their day-to-day lives. As AllenComm CEO Ron Zamir found learners had become accustomed to turning to Google for answers, he realized microlearning offered a unique way to give them more access and relevance in their search for workplace answers too. He wrote Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners to talk about how modern microlearning can help you deliver the information learners need when and where they need it.

eBook Release: eBook - Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners
eBook Release
eBook - Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners
Get all the know-how you need on basic microlearning concepts with this comprehensive eBook.


The Microlearning Techniques eBook is authored by Ron Zamir, CEO of Allen Communication. AllenComm is a leading custom training, content development, and learning technology company based in Salt Lake City, Utah, focused on creating solutions that meet company goals and make a business impact.

A 25-year industry veteran, Ron helps clients navigate the choices that lead to effective training. He has worked globally in Israel and the U.S. leading training organizations both as a vendor and an executive. He now brings that experience to clients across the world, as he presents onsite about key trends and innovations in the learning and development industry.

About The Microlearning Techniques eBook

This eBook covers the foundations of microlearning, acting as a simple guide for Learning and Development professionals looking to navigate changing training strategies. Microlearning is often an important piece of a modern training strategy, as it expands access to focused, relevant information for learners. This is more important than ever as employees are now often faced with expanded job roles and a large amount of information needed to do those jobs well. Microlearning allows learners to quickly find and engage with the information they need, increasing productivity and reducing on-the-job errors.

This eBook covers:

  • The key components of microlearning.
  • How to decide if microlearning is right for your company.
  • Ways microlearning can fit in different parts of your curriculum or learning lifecycle.
  • Ways to build a strong microlearning strategy.
  • Examples of how other companies are using microlearning to get results.

Why Read?

As learners are increasingly immersed in a technologically driven world, Learning and Development departments need to use strategies learners will respond to. Microlearning gives you additional tools to help learners find information how, when and where they want to, which means they’ll turn to your content for answers instead of other sources.

If you’re unsure about what microlearning is, how to use it, or where to start, this eBook will help you lay a strong foundation for good training.

Microlearning Techniques: Driving Results By Empowering Learners is available as a download from Allen Communication.

Originally published on September 20, 2016