Simplest Step-By-Step Guide To Get A Complex Idea Work For You

Complex Ideas Turned Simpler
Summary: A quick read on how you can make your complex idea sound easy and comprehensive in front of your peers, boss, and audience.

Complex Ideas Turned Simpler In 4 Simple Steps

A lot of entrepreneurs and enthusiasts often fail because they have a complicated idea and are unable to translate it conceptually. To help these young minds explore their capacity and move out of the blockage, the experts have curated here a step-by-step guide that one can follow and share their ideas further with colleagues and bosses.

This is a simple 4-step process:

  1. Knowing your audience
  2. Emphasizing on "one thing"
  3. Using examples and metaphors
  4. Including simple terms

1. Knowing Your Audience

When you are working on arranging the information and planning the how and where of the idea, make sure you understand the psychology of the audience. You need to be very sure that you and your audience are on the same page. Else, a brilliant idea would turn to scrap and it won’t even be considered. Heartbreaking isn’t it?

Well, for an impressive presentation, all you need is to answer these questions:

  • Who are they?
  • What is most important to them?
  • What is their motivation?
  • What is their preferred mode of communication?

A basic idea of your audience can help you bring up language and terminology that is easy to use.

2. Emphasizing On "One Thing"

Make sure you do not confuse your audience. There are times when young entrepreneurs share the ins and outs of their ideas with the audience. One needs to understand the audience is here for a reason. They want to talk about the main idea and not listen to the stories that you may have.

So, how do you keep your audience engaged?

Just ask yourself these questions:

  • What do I want to convey to my listeners?
  • What should be the key takeaway of the discussion?
  • How many points of interest does the discussion have?

The goal here is to leave a lasting impression of the main idea on the audience. It is very important by the time they leave the discussion that they have "your main idea" fixed in their mind. This would also reflect your clarity on the idea and what you expect of them.

3. Using Examples And Metaphors

Once you know your audience and how they would take your idea, the next step is to make your presentation interesting. Not just interesting but easy to understand, too. The best way to do so is to be ready with the answers to these questions:

  • What examples can I use from day-to-day life to make things better?
  • Are there any metaphors or similes so that the audience can connect with us?

If you are only narrating the point plainly, you’ll be getting the audience's attention, but they would not be able to relate to the work and there could be a few unanswered questions in the back of their mind. You cannot leave your listeners in a state of confusion at any cost. It is important to think of all the plausible questions and respond to them to get maximum results. The way you elaborate on your points will also help you make an impressive impact on your audience.

Note: The example that you are using in your work should be clear and concise. Also, it should be a perfect fit for your concept. It is important that you provide your audience with something they can relate to and create an image of. This would help you make a memorable impact and get you some good grades.

4. Including Simple Terms

Different business sectors have their own language and terminology that make them impressive. You are trying to be a professional, but this does not mean you should fill up your presentation with terms that are hard for a layman to comprehend.

In case there are terms that cannot be overlooked, then make sure you break them down into simpler terms and explain them to the listeners. Make sure your audience doesn’t struggle with the terms and understands the presentation so that they can relate to the work. Do not assume your audience knows a particular term or has an understanding of a particular topic. Start from scratch and explain everything.

And done! With these simple tips, you can easily turn a complicated idea into an easy concept and let your audience understand the complexity of the process. This is surely going to get you a great response and an interested audience base. If you want to deliver a highly impressive presentation where your confidence wins over the audience, just follow the given tips.

Bonus Tips For An Easy Explanation Of Your Complex Idea

  1. Be unique
    Choose the best method to convey your idea. Do not try to move out of your comfort zone. Instead, give your presentation like you are sharing the idea with any of your friends. This would help you share deeper insight into your idea and make it easy for the audience to connect with the presentation.
  2. Eye contact
    The most important rule of public speaking is to take care of your body language and maintain eye contact. So, just make sure your audience feels in the conversation all the while. They cannot miss paying attention to any of the points you intend to share. Keep them engaged with a few cross-questiofns or by taking queries from them. This makes the session interesting and gives the audience a better understanding of the idea.
  3. Split the presentation
    When you decide to put up a presentation in front of your colleagues or boss, make sure it is split into a few sections. Do not miss to add breaks and something a little entertaining to your presentation. Once your audience finds it monotonous, it would be very difficult for you to convince them of your idea.

So, I hope these tips help you share your idea exactly the way you want. Do not worry about how things would go and where to make the first leap. Just be ready with the idea and feel confident.

The Key Takeaway

As you are moving ahead with your presentation, do not forget the fact that it is not meant for you, it is for the audience. Make sure they understand what you are talking about and why you are addressing a certain subject. Considering your audience during the work is quite important, thus make sure there are no loops in the process. When you prepare your idea this way, it is impossible for the team to not be on the same page as you are.