The Impact Of Google For Jobs In eLearning Recruitment

The Impact Of Google For Jobs In eLearning Recruitment
Summary: Google for Jobs is a real game-changer for eLearning recruitment. Find out how it may impact your job postings and how you can use this to your advantage.

Google For Jobs In eLearning Recruitment: A Useful Tool And It's Impact

In the spring of 2017, during Google’s I/O held at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California; during the event Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai dropped the news about Google for Jobs [1]. This development is already changing the way that companies post job openings and how job seekers will find work. Google for Jobs uses the same powerful algorithms that it’s been famous for in the marketing world, combined with artificial intelligence, to match more relevant jobs with candidates.

Why Was Google For Jobs A Welcome Development?

The team at Google had one thing in mind when designing Google for Jobs — to make job searches more accurate so more Americans would be connected to careers. In the past, it was estimated that only around half of the jobs available are ever posted online at any given time, and that of those jobs, an even smaller percentage ever get listed by the search engines in a timely fashion [2]. This has led to the increased need for more eLearning niche job boards and other avenues where candidates had a good chance of landing work.

While niche career websites were a welcome addition to the already growing, general job search websites out there, the results were still often outdated and job descriptions did not always depict the actual requirements of certain roles. What Google for Jobs does is take things up to a new level of accuracy by scanning through all (except Indeed’s) job listings and grouping them by the most logical search terms that candidates may use. It helps more job adverts get in front of the right people.

How Might Google For Jobs Impact eLearning Recruitment?

Most importantly, how will eLearning candidates search for and find career opportunities?

Google for Jobs, while still in it’s first phase of use by millions of recruiters and job seekers, is expected to have a positive influence on the way recruiters and candidates connect. First, it creates a central place where recruiters can search for and hunt down job types, requirements and descriptive words that can be used to create powerful and searchable job postings. Recruiters still have the ability to post job openings wherever they wish online, such as here at eLearning Industry, or on other niche or corporate job search websites. They can even post jobs on the bigger job boards as they always have. But, they must re-write and create unique job advertisements that search engines can easily pick up.

Second, Google for Jobs allows recruiters to evaluate the marketability of their current job postings by seeing how well they come up in the search engine. One prime example is the use of job postings that lack any geographic information, a factor that can render job ads unsearchable by these new standards. This provides a chance for all recruiters to find local candidates in addition to posting national ads, a feature that used to cost extra for some companies. It also increases the chance that a candidate from a more local area will apply, which can reduce recruitment costs.

Google for Jobs also makes it possible for job postings to direct more candidates to the career website of your company or clients [3]. While applicants can apply via the Cloud Jobs API, facilitated by Googles ranking system for structured job postings, employers can create a fully branded experience for all candidates from the time they encounter a job posting to the time they complete the application. And just like other marketing tools that Google has provided free of charge, recruiters can track how their postings are performing and where candidates are originating from.

A Win-Win Situation For The Learning Candidate

While the eLearning industry has been evolving, it has been difficult for talent in this space to nail down a good job search. Products and terms keep changing, so a job advertisement that may have been effective six months ago is no longer attracting the right kinds of candidates.

Google for Jobs makes it easier and more productive for eLearning candidates to find work in their chosen expertise. They can merely type in a few keywords that are relevant to them, and jobs populate in the search engine. A search can be conducted using a variety of criteria, from job titles and requirements all the way down to region and experience level. The better jobs are written, the faster they come up.

Here at eLearning Industry, we took steps ahead of the Google for Jobs advancement to ensure that our eLearning job posting service included as much detail as possible for outstanding search results. Google for Jobs loves our postings and therefore many appear at the very top of results when a candidate leaves our network and uses the generation search engine at Google. Candidates can also find updated job leads and company profiles which give them an added perspective of companies that are active here in our communities.

Take the time to get to know how Google for Jobs can work for your recruitment efforts. Use our job posting service to rank higher for candidates searching for great career opportunities.


  1. Connecting more Americans with jobs
  2. Study: Half Of All Available Jobs Are Never Advertised
  3. Why Google for Jobs Is a Total Game Changer for Recruiters, Employers, and Job Sites
Originally published on September 27, 2017