7 Highly Effective Ways To Prevent Those Unexpected Zero-Day Attacks

7 Highly Effective Ways To Prevent Those Unexpected Zero-Day Attacks

7 Highly Effective Ways To Prevent Those Unexpected Zero-Day Attacks

The Next Big Thing In Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important for organizations, from Fortune 500 firms to elementary schools to neighborhood grocery stores. Recently, organizations worldwide have been warned about a particular type of cyberattack: zero-day attacks.


Zero-day attacks are infamous because they strike with zero warning. Roughly 80% of successful cybersecurity breaches stem from zero-day attacks [1]. In 2021, more than 65 zero-day type attacks hit organizations [2]. If that sounds like a laughably low number, one attack can affect hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands of organizations. Could a zero-day attack hit your networks and servers? It’s more likely than you might think.

What Is A Zero-Day Attack?

In case you’re not quite caught up on your cybersecurity lingo, a zero-day attack is a type of cyberattack where hackers leverage weaknesses in the software in order to gain access to the network. To comprehend this idea, imagine that a regular burglar finds and enters your home through a hidden door in a back room that you never knew existed, and therefore couldn’t protect with an updated set of locks. You never knew that the door existed, so you couldn’t protect it. Therefore, you’ve lost your TV, laptops, foldable smartphones, and your robot vacuum.

Guarding Against The Unknown

Zero-day vulnerabilities and exploits represent a formidable concern for cybersecurity staff as they’re uniquely challenging to defend against. Again, zero-day attacks strike with zero warning. However, it’s possible to implement prevention strategies that stop these attacks from leading to losses. Think data theft, intellectual property theft, ransomware attacks and associated stock price dips, and legal suits. Avoiding these outcomes is imperative for any organization. Here’s how you can shore up zero-day attack defenses:

Don’t ignore the possibility of a zero-day attack. Hackers are improving their skills when it comes to conducting this type of attack, and they’re capable of inflicting serious damage on systems. Beyond the basics outlined above, make sure that your teams retain a well-planned incident response plan. In your plan, ensure that roles, procedures, and prioritization strategies are defined. Also, take care to make your plan accessible offline and see to it that relevant persons know where to find it.

In Conclusion

By 2025, cybercrime is expected to cost more than $10.5 trillion annually [4]. The first six months of 2021 saw a 102% increase in ransomware attacks as compared to the beginning of 2020 [5]. Zero-day attacks are increasing at an unprecedented rate and threaten to disrupt businesses worldwide. When it comes to zero-day attacks, a multilayered cybersecurity approach can serve as a game changer for organizations large and small. Step up for your organization. Ensure that you can stop zero-day threats. Stay cyber safe!


[1] Ghost in the system? Zero-Day alert puts users on edge

[2] Flash alert: Zoho zero-day under exploit

[3] How SASE protects from Log4j vulnerabilities

[4] Resources: CyberTalk’s cyber security resources

[5] Recent ransomware attacks

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