6 Benefits And 6 Challenges Of Hiring Remote eLearning Candidates

6 Benefits And 6 Challenges Of Hiring Remote eLearning Candidates
Summary: A review of what can go well and what may go wrong when recruiting and hiring remote eLearning candidates. Learn ways to overcome any potential challenges of bringing work from home contractors on board and reap the benefits of this arrangement.

Hiring Remote eLearning Candidates: Benefits And Challenges

While the eLearning industry continues to expand and innovate, recruiters often face challenges with finding eLearning talent in certain geographic areas. That’s when they turn to hiring remote eLearning candidates, who have the ability to work from wherever they happen to live. In the last decade, the remote workforce has grown significantly.

The Rise In The Remote eLearning Workforce

According to the most recent figures from Global Workplace Analytics, “3.7 million employees (2.8% of the workforce) now work from home at least half the time”. eLearning careers lend themselves to remote work arrangements because much of the tasks behind this line of work can be done from any computer or mobile device thanks to eLearning technology. Therefore, recruiters are increasingly faced with finding eLearning candidates who are unwilling to relocate for work.

Deciding If Hiring Remote eLearning Candidates Is A Good Option

In many cases, remote eLearning candidates provide a great deal of value for organizations, once the initial logistics and project management aspects are worked out. At other times, this can present difficulties not seen with in-house eLearning employees. It generally comes down to each eLearning job type, the requirements, and expectations that can make remote employment feasible.

In the quest for outstanding eLearning candidates, recruiters must carefully weigh the pros and cons of each scenario. That’s why it’s always important to conduct due diligence before seeking out a new hire.

6 Benefits Of Hiring A Remote eLearning Workforce

In addition to making it somewhat easier to locate specialized skills, there is a number of key benefits to hiring remote eLearning candidates. These benefits can include:

1. Reduced Costs For Recruitment, Salary, And Perks. 

In the recruitment world, it all comes down to keeping costs low when hiring anyone. An eLearning candidate can be more expensive to source and recruit due to shortages in many skill areas. By hiring a remote candidate, the process is faster and the job offer can take into consideration that working remotely is one of the perks. Contractors generally have lower salary expectations too.

2. Better Utilization Of Time And Resources.

Hiring remote eLearning candidates can help streamline recruitment processes because much of the interaction between candidates and recruiters happens via email, phone, and virtual meetings. There’s no need to bring the candidate in, rather it’s all handled remotely. Even paperwork and other matters can be managed virtually today.

3. Candidates More Accustomed To Internet-Based Technology. 

Another advantage of hiring remote eLearning candidates has to do with their natural propensity for using the Internet to perform most of their career functions. eLearning technology has shifted largely to cloud-based Learning Management Systems, online video and communication platforms, and more. This means it’s possible to find more tech-savvy candidates this way.

4. Easier To Match Candidates To Project Needs. 

If a candidate is needed to work on a one-time project or a project that requires a specialized set of skills, it can be easier to find someone remote to do the job rather than search in the local talent pool. Very often, virtual job lead systems have the capability to match eLearning candidates to specific jobs based on keywords, so this makes the work of a recruiter even more efficient.

5. Ability To Hire More Seasoned Talent At Lower Rates.

Many times, eLearning professionals transfer out of the "rat-race" of working in traditional brick and mortar work environments and go completely freelance. This can work to any recruiter’s advantage because this means there is access to more seasoned candidates who are working remotely at lower fees.

6. Flexible Hiring Model Provides Sharing Of Employee. 

Remote workers tend to be very good at being flexible in terms of the types of work they do. They can juggle multiple clients and projects easily. Hiring remote eLearning candidates is vital if you anticipate the need for someone more adaptable.

6 Challenges Of Hiring A Remote eLearning Workforce

In addition to certain advantages, there can be potential setbacks to recruiting remote eLearning candidates. These challenges can include:

1. Cultural And Language Barriers Faced.

AJ Kumar, a contributor for Business Collective, points out the very real problem of language barriers when recruiting remote candidates, especially from other non-native English speaking regions. He says “foreign workers may be educated in basic English, they may not grasp the subtleties and complexities associated with U.S. slang or industry-specific business jargon”. He advises that it’s best to be prepared for this.

2. Onboarding And Training Time Extended. 

When hiring remote candidates for eLearning roles, understand that it may take a bit longer for them to onboard and be trained for their new assignment is a given. They may be in other time zones, won’t have the benefit of face to face time with an instructor, and may encounter a few technology challenges along the way.

3. Internet-Only Communication Breaks. 

Remote candidates can easily go “dark” all of a sudden, without a clear communication policy and process in place. Never let more than a day go without some kind of follow-up or at least an update during the recruitment phase.

4. Hand Off To The Hiring Company Can Be Awkward.

Along with certain recruitment challenges, remote eLearning candidates may find the entire process of going from interviewing to onboarding to working as part of a team. Create a structured program that walks candidates through each process and be sure to provide a checklist of what they can expect along the way.

5. Team Integration Challenges. 

Remote candidates may also experience feelings of isolation or alienation from their team mates upon hire. It’s very important that they are included in any and all communications, meetings, project notes, and resources from day one. If there are other problems with integrating them into the team, work closely with their management point of contact to come up with a plan that works for all.

6. Time Tracking And Travel Needs Of Employee. 

Although eLearning candidates may not be required to come into the office to complete their interviews and work later on, it should be anticipated that at some point they may need to travel to the office, to client sites, and to industry events. So too, their time must be carefully tracked on all projects and during travel and offsite periods.

Originally published on December 7, 2016