7 Tips To Collect Valuable eLearning Feedback With Employee Training Software

7 Tips To Collect Valuable eLearning Feedback With Employee Training Software
Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Have you been pondering whether your online training course leaves a lasting impression? Online training courses take a lot of time to develop and their main objective is to hone the skills and talents of your team. But how can you measure the impact of your online training course using your new employee training software?

Employee Training Software: How Can It Help You Collect Valuable eLearning Feedback

Employee training software with built-in feedback mechanisms allows you to establish a channel of communication between you and your corporate learners. It also shows them that you care about their opinions, which prompts them to take the online training course more seriously and builds credibility. However, the timing of the eLearning feedback is crucial. You don’t want to wait until the end of the online training course. Make sure you have intervals between the online training course to collect eLearning feedback. This allows employees to provide eLearning feedback throughout, while their memory is still fresh. The following 7 tips will ensure you get the valuable eLearning feedback you need. Remember that an online training course is only as good as the impact it has on corporate learners, so getting eLearning feedback from them is vital.

eBook Release: Take L&D To The Next Level: Your Guide To Bridging Gaps And Boosting Profits With Employee Training Software
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Take L&D To The Next Level: Your Guide To Bridging Gaps And Boosting Profits With Employee Training Software
Learn how to take your L&D to the next level with employee training software.

1. Keep It Anonymous

If you want corporate learners to provide you with honest eLearning feedback, it’s important to maintain a sense of anonymity. It is much easier for someone to honestly criticize if they know that the person reading the criticism doesn’t know exactly who it is coming from. Thus, no negative repercussions or judgments. You also want to make sure that the questions you ask are specific so that employees know what’s expected. For example, how they should respond to each question in order to provide targeted eLearning feedback. Asking too many open-ended questions results in vague answers, which makes it more difficult to evaluate the data.

2. Survey With Multiple Choice Questions

No one likes to write essays during a survey, especially in a corporate setting. You need to respect your employees’ time and keep responses as brief as possible. Multiple choice questions are the perfect way to do that, as they don’t require corporate learners to think too much, and they can swiftly breeze through the survey. You can also employ the Likert scale or other survey tools which allow you to gauge the impact of the online training course on corporate learners.

You don’t have to limit eLearning feedback to just surveys, small discussions can also work. However, most people don’t generally open up much in these, since they are no longer anonymous. A one-on-one feedback session is also an option, but this can be time-consuming. Determine which works best for you and allows you to collect the actionable data without making your employees feel uncomfortable.

3. Keep An Open-Door Policy Regarding eLearning Feedback

Not everyone enjoys giving feedback. Ιf you do constantly press your employees for eLearning feedback some of them may just develop a liking for it, though. You should let employees know beforehand that they can provide eLearning feedback at any point during the online training course, even when not asked. This will ensure that if they have any issues throughout, they will be able to approach you, instead of struggling on their own.

4. Take eLearning Assessment Results Seriously

While this doesn’t have to do with gaining eLearning feedback from corporate learners, eLearning assessments are an indirect diagnostic tool. Now, it is understandable that some corporate learners do better than others. However, if you notice a majority of the corporate learners not scoring well in a certain part of the online training course, it may be time for a rethink. Looking at eLearning assessment scores can tell you where the learning material is lacking and what you need to work on to improve the overall online training course.

5. Monitor Satisfaction Scores

Many employee training software solutions give employees the ability to rate their instructors or facilitators, then quantify the results in the form of charts and graphs so that you can gauge overall satisfaction. For example, a high percentage of your staff is unhappy with the lack of manager/instructor involvement. Thus, you can remedy the situation by providing leaders with the resources they require to play a more active role.

6. Customize LMS Reports

One of the standout features of a robust LMS is the ability to customize your reports, which enables you to focus on aspects of your online training strategy that support the desired outcomes. For instance, compliance courses or certifications which ensure your team has the necessary skills to uphold local laws and regulations. But you have to know which LMS metrics to concentrate on in order to set the appropriate parameters. For instance, set up automatic reports that are based on your organizational goals and gaps.

7. Track Social Media Engagement

The beauty of modern employee training software is that it understands the importance of social interactivity. LMSs not only allow you to integrate social learning activities into your online training program but they also track employee engagement and participation on social networking platforms. Thus, you’re able to monitor employee activity that occurs outside of the structured online training environment.

Top Tip For Collecting eLearning Feedback With Employee Training Software

The most crucial first step to gather eLearning feedback from your remote employees is to encourage a supportive corporate eLearning culture. Everyone should feel as though they are part of an active online learning community that is all-inclusive. Employee training software gives you the power to centralize your online training initiatives and incorporate collaborative learning activities, as well as offering employees the ongoing support they need to reach their potential. Thus, they are more likely to actively engage with their peers and provide direct input.

Being completely open to eLearning feedback will allow to improve your online training ROI and reduce employee turnover. So it is important that you are open to criticism and follow up with your staff. They should know that their opinions count when it comes to your L&D strategy. Therefore, you need to choose an LMS vendor that recognizes the value of effective eLearning feedback and provides you with all the tools you require.

Download our eBook Take L&D To The Next Level: Your Guide To Bridging Gaps And Boosting Profits With Employee Training Software to discover how to take your corporate eLearning program to the next level with employee training software. We also share tips to bridge performance gaps and enhance workplace productivity with your new system.

Originally published on October 2, 2019