How To Know If You're Ready For A Talent Experience Platform

Are You Ready For A Talent Experience Platform
Kineo Talent Experience Platform
Summary: Learning technology's newest development is the talent experience platform. Discover how it's used to improve employee experience management as a whole.

From LMS To Learning Experience Platform

What components make up your organization’s learning ecosystem?

The Learning Management System (LMS) has become commonplace in most academic and corporate settings. This software system houses traditional learning assets such as eLearning courses, recorded webinars and virtual training sessions, as well as assessments. In addition to hosting these assets, the LMS also automates the process of reporting, tracking, and documenting data such as course completion. The LMS is an indispensable workhorse in the world of Learning and Development, although other more innovative systems are now available for more customizable uses.

Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) push past some of the UX limitations of an LMS. Praised for creating a superior employee experience, LXPs offer functionality to easily access learning in the flow of work, capture learning experiences that happen outside of traditional in-work groups, and unleash internal expertise through user-generated content. These cloud-based systems often make use of gamification elements and Artificial Intelligence, and can create more unique personalized experiences for learners.

The Growing Employee Skills Gap

One significant factor that impacts both individual and organizational performance is the skills gap, defined by Training Industry [1] as, “A gap between the skills an employee has and the skills he or she actually needs to perform a job well.” A recent McKinsey study [2] reported that “87% of companies say they have skill gaps, or expect to within a few years,” and that of those, 43% currently identify skill gaps within their organizations. This troubling trend can be resolved in a number of ways including contracting and hiring new employees, but 53% of executives polled by McKinsey favored reskilling their existing employees. This bodes well for the third of employees surveyed in a 2019 Harris poll [3] who cited lack of development as one of the most common reasons for leaving a job, second only to dissatisfaction with their pay.

With so much attention given by both employers and employees to the skills gap and the need for on-the-job development, the need is apparent for a robust infrastructure of software that makes use of both L&D and HR data. Skills, competencies, and behaviors must be mapped against current and potential employees, and learning journeys must be created to onboard and maintain talent within the organization. Managing employee performance is best done proactively, and not reactively, in order to close the growing skills gap. If talent is truly your organization’s most vital asset, treat it as such, and ensure that employee experience management is part of your strategic plan.

Managing Employee Performance

Traditional performance management is still alive and well in most organizations. We still need systems to set annual goals, facilitate regular check-ins, and capture development opportunities.

The Emergence Of The Talent Experience Platform (TXP)

As you read through the above, you are probably either thinking, “We can’t afford all of those,” “Boy that’s complicated,” “Or geez, what a nightmare navigating and integrating all of these siloed systems.” Enter the talent experience platform. The newest in this evolution of talent and HR systems is the talent experience platform (TXP). The term “talent” applies to the most important asset of any organization: its people. All employees with the ability or potential to contribute to the organization’s performance can be managed through a TXP, a software system that helps nurture employees and create a sense of belonging and purpose for their work, as well as their development. By combining L&D and HR systems, the TXP enriches employees’ experiences on the job by boosting engagement [4] and performance.

With great challenge comes great opportunity. Leaders with a keen eye on industry trends and a vested interest in the employee experience are finding success with novel approaches such as measuring their performance gaps through quantitative data. Companies are considering how to attract and retain top talent, provide meaningful career pathways to their employees, and increase informal, on-the-job learning as well as knowledge sharing across the organization. By empowering employees to not only learn on the job but also to make use of new skills and knowledge, organizations are transforming from inefficient bureaucracies to agile resilient workplaces equipped to address the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Employee Experience Management

Here at Kineo, we are committed to helping organizations build better workplaces and unlock the potential of their people through the three faces of our talent experience platform: Learn, Engage, and Perform. Intelligently designed to synchronize resources across the organization, this software suite includes a Learning Management System, a Learning Experience Platform, and performance management software. Break down data silos with powerful analytics that examine all aspects of the employee experience, and present your learners with personalized, customizable interfaces and learning pathways that truly enable them to achieve their goals.

The talent experience platform offers valuable insight, making both qualitative and quantitative data actionable and empowering you to close any identified skills gaps. Benefits of usage include aligning employees’ actions and learning endeavors with company goals, providing channels for employees to give and receive feedback, and a holistic overview of performance and talent across the organization.

Totara: Kineo Edition [4] is a full learning and talent development suite that will help your organization rapidly mature its L&D capability. Has your organization outgrown its LMS?


[1] Skills Gap

[2] The skillful corporation

[3] Bosses, take note: Workers say lack of engagement is a top reason they'd quit their jobs

[4] Support powerful peer to peer learning and collaboration with Totara Engage

eBook Release: Kineo
Kineo helps the world's leading businesses improve performance through learning and technology. We combine quality in learning with award-winning customer service and innovation. We're here to take on your learning and performance challenges - and deliver results.
Originally published on March 22, 2021