How To Leverage The Expertise Of An eLearning Solutions Provider

How The Pandemic Has Redefined The Workplace And Expectations From L&D Teams

The pandemic has changed workplace dynamics to predominantly work from home (WFH). The gradual reopening of workplaces has added an additional change to back-to-work (BTW) strategies. All indications are that we’re unlikely to see a predominantly in-office working model for a while yet. It’s very likely that a hybrid workplace model, partly WFH and partly BTW, will be the norm for the foreseeable future.

Given these changing workplace dynamics, what are the asks from L&D teams, and what challenges do they face in managing what remote learners expect?

One way for businesses to position themselves for a vaccine-levered recovery is to leverage the expertise of an outside eLearning solutions provider and eLearning consultants to seamlessly match performance with new expectations.

What Organizations Seek And What Factors Drive Corporate Learning Strategies

Organizations today are looking not only for a robust learning strategy but also tools to support the execution of that strategy and the ability to establish a value proposition from delivering their learning strategies. Some compelling factors that drive improvement to organizational learning strategies include:

  1. Improve learner engagement
    Learner engagement is the key to knowledge transfer and its application in the workplace. Prevailing training strategies must evolve to improve learner engagement.
  2. Create a stronger link between learning and performance
    The ultimate goal of training is to improve performance, individually and on an organizational level. To validate a training model requires that L&D teams are able to demonstrate strong links between learning and resulting performance improvement.
  3. Better measurement
    While the corporate LMS does provide valuable metrics—enrollment, retention rates, drop-out stats, completion rates, and so on—they also collect a lot of data that might not be relevant. It’s vital to know what to measure and why and what those measurements will tell us. New business models require better data and measurement criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of training strategies.
  4. Technology
    The right training tools and technology can be significant change enablers by impacting a company’s core practices, workflows, and other critical business practices. While delivering a competitive edge to training, the challenge for learning organizations, however, is assessing technology readiness, including the ability to support it and ensuring technology doesn’t have a deleterious impact on training.

How To Empower In-House L&D With An eLearning Solutions Provider

It is unlikely that in-house L&D teams have all the expertise and skills to quickly and effectively pivot and respond to the new era of corporate training needs. One way to respond and benefit from the best of two worlds—in-house knowledge, and additional experience and expertise—is to empower in-house teams with industry partnerships with an experienced eLearning solutions provider. Here’s how:

Value Of Working With An eLearning Solutions Provider

Partnering with an eLearning solutions provider is a matter of delegation and not relegation. Outsourcing your eLearning needs is a great solution to not just support what’s required now but to also prepare your organization for what’s to come in the immediate and foreseeable future.

Parting Thoughts

The global health crisis has dramatically changed how we work, from primarily in office to predominantly virtual, to now an evolution into a hybrid model. As a result, the asks of L&D teams to support the learning needs of the new hybrid model have also changed. No longer can in-house teams "do it all;" they’re increasingly relying on eLearning solutions providers’ experience and knowledge.

I hope this article provides the requisite cues on how L&D teams can use the expertise of an eLearning solutions provider to create effective learning programs.


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