How To Adopt A Learner-Centered Design Approach For Your Learning Programs

How To Adopt A Learner-Centered Design Approach For Your Learning Programs

How To Adopt A Learner-Centered Design Approach For Your Learning Programs

What Is The Learner-Centered Design Approach In Learning?

Effective learning, quite simply, happens as a result of the learning that a learner is looking for. The learner finds, accesses and consumes, understands, and then eagerly applies it to the workplace. A cookie-cutter design approach won't produce effective learning, and neither will design created entirely in studios and learning labs cut it! To produce effective learning solutions, it's important to follow a learner-centered design approach.

So, what does that entail? It requires that L&D teams consciously put the learner at the center of everything they do when producing learning content:

Use this learner-centered design philosophy and you'll always produce effective learning that meets all your learning objectives! Learners will not only actively seek your learning solutions but will also enjoy the learning experiences you deliver. They will demonstrate their satisfaction through real workplace performance improvements. It also helps build resilient, high-performing individuals and teams with a deeper engagement with the organization.

Why Should You Incorporate A Learner-Centered Design Approach For Your L&D Strategy?

With many potential L&D strategies to choose from, why should L&D professionals adopt a learner-centered design approach? There are two compelling reasons that a design approach which keeps learners at its center is critical.

Firstly, there's the employee perspective. Unless your employees—who are the targeted learners—"drive" the process, it'll be a challenge to produce a design that delivers them the learning experience they crave. Focusing on the learner as the center of the solution will also help create a more humanist environment at the workplace.

Workplaces with a higher employee engagement quotient typically represent better-performing organizations. Learning design which does not inspire learner engagement ultimately translates into disengagement in other spheres of the workforce—performance, innovation, productivity, and competitiveness.

IBM's research shows that addressing learner-needed training increases retention by 62%. Employees gravitate toward employers who value learning and who actively encourage them to participate in professional development. In the absence of a learner-centered design approach, employees who do attempt to embrace corporate learning opportunities may quickly feel dissatisfied and disillusioned with the learning experience they encounter and the quality and focus of their training. This may hasten their exit from the company.

Why Is Learner-Centricity Important While Designing Corporate L&D Programs?

Secondly, there's the business/org level and the design team's perspective to consider.

The Org's Perspective

From the employer's perspective, any learning that's designed with learners as the central focus can impact org-level competency by building a more motivated workforce. Motivated employees are "sticky" and won't quit frequently, thus resulting in reduced org cost of hiring due to higher retention.

The L&D Team's Perspective

When it comes to responding to learning, each learner, within every organization, is unique. From the L&D teams' perspective, therefore, if they aim to produce effective learning content, then they'll need to put the learners' needs into focus. This will allow them to create personalized learning journeys and unique learning experiences.

What Are The Benefits Of Adopting A Learner-Centered Design Approach?

There are several reasons to embrace a learner-centered design approach.

Learning that centers around learner needs helps better connect with learners and prompts deeper engagement with the content.

Because the learning "speaks" to specific learning requirements and skills gaps, it's more likely to precipitate desired behavioral changes among employees who undertake such learning.

Greater employee engagement with training produces more motivated learners. This results in greater transference of learning into the workplace, which translates to performance gains.

Learner-centered design moves away from "cookie-cutter" learning and produces more personalized learning experiences. This "human touch" to learning also spurs learner engagement and results in better learning outcomes.

Because employees are more likely (62%) to remain with the company thanks to the learner-specific training they receive, the learner-centered design reduces employee retraining costs that follow resignations. It also eliminates employee replacement costs, which can surpass salary costs by over 200%. Both metrics translate into higher ROI for the organization. A learner-centric design also helps define a clear set of learning expectations and outcomes for learners and L&D teams. In so doing, it helps learning leaders better manage, measure, and evaluate their learning ROE across the company.

With learning centered around the employee's skills gaps and learning needs, learners are more likely to sign up for new courses. And because learner-centric learning addresses specific workplace situations for the employee, they're more likely to complete the entire prescribed learning, resulting in fewer dropouts. There'll also be fewer requirements for course repeats, lower remedial training, and greater learning retention—all of which are positive learning measurement metrics.

The 3-Step Process To Adopt A Learner-Centered Design Approach For Your Learning Programs

(Inspired by IDEO's three phases for human-centered design)

1. Research And Analysis

The initial building block of learner-centered design is extensive research and analysis. To do that, L&D professionals must immerse themselves into their target learners' lives and understand what their learning goals and needs are. Some of the tactics and techniques used in this phase include:

2. Define

This is where you leverage everything you've learned from the Research and Analysis phase and use learner-centered design to create prototype solutions to apply to the learning opportunities you've identified.

3. Implementation

Launch the learning program to your targeted audience.

Parting Thoughts

Building corporate learning solutions merely to tick a "training provided" check box isn't a good use of scarce resources. I hope the learner-centered design approaches discussed in this article provide you with the requisite insights to create more learner-friendly learning. Not only will this approach lead to a more engaged, motivated, productive, and committed workforce, but it'll also produce better learning outcomes and improve organizational productivity and competitiveness.

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