How To Create Emotionally Intelligent Learning Programs

How To Create Emotionally Intelligent Learning Programs

How To Create Emotionally Intelligent Learning Programs

The Importance And Use Of Emotional Intelligence In Learning

In 1995, Dr. Daniel Goleman—an author, scientific journalist, and noted psychologist—popularized his concept of emotional intelligence (EI; also called EQ). Dr. Goleman’s thinking on EI expanded on a related theory, advanced a decade earlier (in 1985) by Dr. Reuven Bar-On, who coined the phrase “emotional quotient” (EQ)—a set of characteristics measured by a standardized scoring system. Today, Dr. Goleman’s thoughts are a key element of applying emotional intelligence in learning.

Goleman put together a framework of 5 critical components that comprise EI. He also defined a range of additional skills that, when harnessed together, make individuals more emotionally intelligent. According to him, EI comprises 5 pillars: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills (more on this later).

In today’s high-strung, “always on,” and highly stressed workplace where employee mental health and overall well-being are front and center in workplace policy discussions, EI/EQ is extremely timely and relevant. That’s because Goleman concluded that EI, when applied properly, not just helps meet organizational and individual goals and aspirations but it creates a healthier, happier, and more productive workplace.

Why Should You Factor For Emotional Intelligence In Your L&D Programs?

Emotions play a key part in every aspect of our work-life equation, and emotional intelligence in learning is integral to the learning process. Armed with a degree of emotional intelligence, organizations can develop a deep understanding of their employees and what and how they like to learn. The ability of learning leaders, through their L&D programs, to empathize and relate to the learning needs of the workforce, can also help them (the leaders) foster a culture of lifelong learning across a broader base of learners in the organization.

There are challenges that businesses face if they are totally outcome-driven and do not focus on the method to achieve them. Because of how our brains function, it’s challenging (if not impossible!) to compartmentalize our cognitive and affective functions. Overly focusing on business outcomes when developing training programs risks ignoring the value that learner emotions have on achieving learning outcomes. Ignoring EI also risks stifling innovation, collaboration, and creativity among the workforce—especially in group and cooperative learning projects.

As such, understanding learner EI can help produce eLearning programs that not only focus on business outcomes but also create self-confidence and motivation-boosting learning environments. The application of emotional intelligence in learning helps build a culture of continuous learning by focusing on and understanding how emotions impact and influence our desire to learn.

How Can Emotional Intelligence Help You Transform Your Learning Programs?

While learning is a cognitive function, it also involves a degree of emotion. Injecting emotional intelligence in learning design processes helps better connect learners to the learning content.

EI-centric learning environments foster bonds of empathy and understanding between various levels of the organization. They also help L&D teams unleash creativity in building flexible learning solutions and help make employees more resilient to changes in their work and learning environment.

Emotion is a two-way street, involving giving and receiving acknowledgments and recognition. EI can help foster a sense of employees’ and learners’ belonging to the workplace by making them feel included and valued.

Appreciation and recognition spur productivity. Research confirms that employees who are recognized up to six times per year show a 32% increase in performance. Highly targeted and effective learning which is tied to the learner’s needs can also drive performance.

Hiring and replacement is an expensive process. There’s also evidence that employees who receive over four awards per year are two times less likely to leave the organization. However, along with rewards and awards, an org-wide continuous learning culture also plays a big part in improving retention rates.

Emotional intelligence builds a bond between managers and the team and amongst team members. Regular (at least once weekly) check-ins with the team spur engagement levels by at least a fivefold factor. A heightened sense of engagement also fosters greater collaboration, inclusion, and personalization in learning initiatives.

Learners (and employees) who have an emotional alignment with their training content are better motivated to change their behavior and transfer their learning into the workplace. This also leads to greater motivation and better performance.

What Are The 5 Aspects Of Emotional Intelligence, And How Can L&Ds Tap Into Each One Of Them?

1. Self-Awareness

Self-awareness refers to an individual’s ability to recognize and understand one’s own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and drives, and apply them to make apt decisions. People leaders with self-awareness take their skills and limitations into consideration when making decisions that impact their teams. Without that “awareness of self,” managers are inclined to make rash decisions, including about what L&D needs their teams to have and how best to respond to specific needs.

2. Self-Regulation

Regulating our emotions means monitoring our positive and negative feelings, hence handling difficulties without giving up. Instead of irrational reactions to genuine employee learning needs, self-regulated leaders can use emotional intelligence in learning to persevere in the delivery of thoughtful, constructive training solutions. Instead of acting irrationally, leaders must anticipate the consequences of those impulses.

3. Self-Motivation

Self-motivation is the ability that we have to channel our motivation and drive toward achievement. It helps L&D leaders create emotionally intelligent learning environments where learners enjoy the learning process, and it uses emotional factors to accomplish their learning objectives. It also drives affirmative change in an employee’s thinking, which results in positive behavioral changes in the workplace.

4. Social Awareness

As regards the social competence of your learners, social awareness is the ability to recognize and understand the emotions of others within social situations.

5. Social Skills/Relationship Management

Social skills, or relationship management, is the ability to relate to other people in a supportive way by managing conflict. This aspect of EI helps organizations better use social situations to “nudge” learners toward the desired learning path.

Parting Thoughts

According to Capgemini Research Institute, the rise of automation and AI has fueled the global demand for emotional intelligence skills sixfold. Yet, less than one in five business leaders are investing in EI. Because EI-based training is human-focused when used in an L&D context, emotional intelligence in learning helps create more learner-friendly learning solutions. As a result, EI-centered learning programs consistently produce better learning outcomes.

I hope the pointers mentioned in this article regarding EI as your learning design guiding principle provided requisite insights to help you create transformational learning. Such learning inspires employees to take on additional commitments in the workplace, motivates them to better engage with the organization, and injects a paradigm shift in employee attitudes around productivity and performance.

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