How To Drive Rapid Upskilling And Reskilling Effectively At Scale

How To Drive Rapid Upskilling And Reskilling Effectively At Scale

How To Drive Rapid Upskilling And Reskilling Effectively At Scale

Why Must Organizations Drive Rapid Upskilling And Reskilling?

No facet of life remains constant for too long, and it's the same with enterprises and businesses. In today's constantly changing business environment, organizations and, by extension, their employees, must embrace rapid upskilling to evolve and thrive to compete, or they'll never survive!

Gartner's Agile Learning Manifesto aptly describes this reality in the following statement:

"No employee or organization can succeed in the digital era unless learning keeps up with the pace of market change. New methods can make learning radically more effective. Executive leaders need to revolutionize thinking about learning to enable enterprises and employees to thrive amid disruption."

Global digitalization has dramatically shortened the shelf-life of employee skills, job descriptions, roles, and responsibilities. Employers and the workforce must find new ways—and cultivate new sets of skills—to navigate through the continuously evolving workplace dynamics. As a result, upskilling and reskilling the workforce, across the organization—and especially throughout a global workforce—is an imperative for survival.

Futureproofing workforce capabilities and skills is the only way forward. For both organizations and individual employees, establishing a culture of lifelong learning is the only way to ensure that happens!

How Do You Drive Rapid Upskilling And Reskilling At Scale?

Here are some strategies to help businesses upskill at scale...and to do it quickly.

Set The Right Foundation

Ensure Knowledge Acquisition And Transference

Too often, L&D strategies are focused on providing learning opportunities and less geared to knowledge transference to the workplace. For large-scale upskilling and reskilling strategies to be successful, business leaders must ensure "learning" isn't the objective but a means to an end—that is, demonstrable, on-the-job performance improvement. To accomplish that, L&D teams must review their focus on "learning" to include:

Enable Your Employees To Take Ownership Of Their Learning

Modernize Your Learning Programs

Create Avenues For Practice, Coaching, And Feedback

Often when upskilling and reskilling a workforce at scale, including remote workers, mobile teams, and global org-structures, there's a gap between learning and on-the-job performance. To bridge that gap, L&D leaders must create a continuous learning system where employees can practice what they've learned in a safe environment (e.g. Virtual Reality environments). They must also have access to encouraging coaches and mentors, who can offer constructive feedback on performance gaps.

Track And Assess The Impact Of Training Programs And Evaluate Training Effectiveness

When upskilling and reskilling a workforce on a large scale, there's always a risk that the training initiatives focus exclusively on implementation and not much on evaluation. This is especially true when dealing with virtual, broadly distributed, and dispersed workforces. It's important to, therefore, track and monitor the effectiveness of learning through assessments, practice modules, challenges, learning analytics, and polls. Not only are these approaches excellent at determining the effectiveness of rapid upskilling strategies but they may also provide invaluable insight to company leadership on Return On Investment (ROI) of learning spending.

Parting Thoughts

Across all businesses and industries, today's highly mobile, virtual, and hybrid workforce has one element in common—constantly evolving skillsets. Unfortunately, organizations no longer have the luxury of time to build the competitive skills they need. Some of the rapid upskilling techniques, discussed above, can help your organization bridge those skills gaps quickly. Other strategies that we highlighted also help geographically dispersed businesses in upskilling and reskilling their workforce at scale, and in a sustainable way.

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