Hybrid Learning Case Study: How A Courier Delivery Company Launched Cutting-Edge Educational Experiences

Hybrid Learning Case Study: How A Courier Delivery Company Launched Cutting-Edge Educational Experiences

Hybrid Learning Case Study: How A Courier Delivery Company Launched Cutting-Edge Educational Experiences

How Hybrid Learning Helped A Company Achieve Its Goals

Purolator is a Canadian courier company and leader in the freight, packaging, and logistics space. To prepare for the launch of their 430,000-plus square-foot sorting and shipping facility, Purolator needed to educate employees and visitors about the new facility and its cutting-edge automation processes.

eBook Release
Hybrid Learning: The Ultimate Guide To Customizing Learning Experiences For Your Team
Whether it's leveling up your current eLearning approach or adopting a new one, this eBook will provide a roadmap for customizing learning experiences for every member of your team.

Hybrid Learning Case Study: What Were The Organization's Needs?

Purolator’s learning needs were as follows:

The Learning Network’s Approach

The Learning Network (TLN) conducted a 5-month needs assessment to dive deeper into what educational gaps existed and how they might be resolved. TLN interviewed frontline workers, supervisors, managers, and the executive team to document what worked in the past and what didn’t. The team also sought to learn how COVID-19 impacted employees’ wants and needs from an L&D perspective.

The Result

A 65-page report that discussed The Learning Network’s findings, methodology, and recommendations about the training Purolator should consider for their new facility.

Innovative, Hybrid Solutions

Over the next two years, Purolator and TLN developed an innovative hybrid learning approach to meet business needs, learner needs, and technological needs. The Learning Network’s integrated approach to educating employees and stakeholders included:

Over the course of the project, The Learning Network was also able to provide the following deliverables for Purolator:

Key Outcomes

Since its launch in April 2022, over 150 Purolator employees, client groups, and visitors have taken the tour. By implementing a hybrid approach of traditional and AR tours, Purolator was able to provide a cutting-edge educational experience to all stakeholders. Some advantages of Purolator’s hybrid approach:


Download the eBook Hybrid Learning: The Ultimate Guide To Customizing Learning Experiences For Your Team by The Learning Network to discover how you can launch personalized programs for your remote workforce and overcome the limitations of hybrid learning. You can also join the webinar to explore a roadmap for customizing learning experiences with a leading industry expert.

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