Introduction To Immersive Learning

Introduction To Immersive Learning

Introduction To Immersive Learning

What Is Immersive Learning?

Immersive learning is an excellent strategy for connecting physically dispersed learners in hybrid workplaces to deliver learning that keeps them engaged throughout their learning journey. Working apart from traditional team structures, especially for geographically dispersed teams, denies employees a chance to access conventional support systems, such as on-premises trainers, instructors, mentors, and go-to learning resources. L&D teams can bridge that gap by designing and implementing organizational-wide immersive learning experiences.

What Are The Benefits Of Immersive Learning?

In traditional in-class or virtual asynchronous instructor-led learning sessions, there's always someone (an instructor or moderator) to engage and challenge learners. While disengagement does occur in these settings too, it's typically easier for moderators to quickly re-engage "detached" learners and bring them back to their learning journey.

The hybrid workplace has changed that, with more organizations adopting asynchronous and self-directed learning programs. The root cause of isolation and disengagement among hybrid working populations is the everyday life distractions that they encounter, which aren't present in a traditional office environment. Chief Learning Officers (CLOs) and L&D Heads must respond to these unique learning challenges that hybrid teams encounter due to being geographically and physically apart.

You can be instrumental in delivering a wide range of benefits to your organization by adopting immersive learning, including the following:

  1. "Immersiveness," by definition, breeds higher learner interest and engagement.
  2. It promotes social interaction and helps alleviate the sense of confinement (at home) that remote workers often feel.
  3. It infuses life into otherwise lifeless learning.
  4. Given the prevalence of distractions in the hybrid workplace, it helps enhance learner focus by reducing extraneous "noise."
  5. It fosters personalized learning and learner-centricity.
  6. It enhances comprehension.
  7. It contributes to improving learning retention.
  8. It offers safe learning environments and practice zones.
  9. Organizations that embrace it experience increased Return On Investment (ROI) for initiatives supported by immersive learning.

What Are The Techniques You Can Adopt To Create An Immersive Learning Experience?

If you are in an L&D leadership role, you must encourage your L&D teams to explore a range of strategies and tactics to design and produce immersive learning experiences for your employees.

The following immersive learning content development strategies do not require the use of high-end technology:

Types of technologies that are available to create immersive learning environments include:

Combined, we often refer to these immersive technologies by an umbrella term, Extended Reality (XR).

How Do You Implement Immersive Learning In Your Organization?

Making learning immersive is a 4-step process.

Step 1: Begin by exploring if immersive learning is right for you.

Step 2: Identify areas that will benefit from immersive learning.

To do that, you must evaluate the use of immersion.

Step 3: Design immersive experiences by focusing on learner-centricity and human-centered design approaches.

Key points to consider include the following.

Step 4: To assess whether you have met your immersive learning goals, plan the right measurement and evaluation strategy.

You can do this by:

Parting Thoughts

When it comes to engaging remote learners and encouraging them to pursue their learning journeys, L&D teams have their work cut out for them. It's hard enough to relieve their sense of isolation. But couple that with the distractions, disturbances, and interruptions that a hybrid workplace entails, and CLOs have an uphill battle. I hope the immersive learning techniques in this article help you design highly effective learning interventions, which are quite an effective tool in addressing those challenges. It helps learners maintain focus, ensures continuous learning for effective skill building, and delivers better ROI for the business and the learner.

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