eBook Release: Learning Management Systems – Assessing Return On Investment

Free eBook: Learning Management Systems – Assessing Return On Investment
Summary: Is a Learning Management System the right training platform for your organization? This eBook has the answer to this question.

Learning Management Systems: How To Assess Return On Investment

If you are considering adopting a Learning Management System (LMS) and need to build a business case, then Return On Investment (ROI) is top on your list of things to find out. With a responsible approach, the eBook Learning Management Systems – Assessing Return On Investment is picking it up from the start, exploring the differences between a Learning Management System, face-to-face training, and webinar-based training, as well as the differences between open source and licensed Learning Management Systems. After reading the eBook you will be sure you will make the right choice.

eBook Release: Learning Management Systems - Assessing Return On Investment
eBook Release
Learning Management Systems - Assessing Return On Investment
If you are considering adopting an LMS, this eBook will help you make the right choice.

About The eBook

The question of ROI for an LMS depends on what method your company is currently using for training. In Learning Management Systems – Assessing Return On Investment you’ll explore some of the main differences between:

  1. LMS & face-to-face training
  2. LMS & webinar training
  3. Open-source LMS & proprietary LMS

At the end of the eBook, you’ll find a series of next-steps to help you make a final decision on how to receive the most value from the training platform you adopt. Let’s have a look at the eBook’s key chapters:

  1. LMS Vs. Face-To-Face Training
    For more in-depth courses, an online system leaves the bulk of the learning to students who can access the system anytime, and progress through a course at their own speed.
  2. LMS Vs. Webinar-Based Training
    Maybe you are using audio conferencing or webinars to get around the costs of face-to-face training. By choosing an online delivery method, you have already reduced costs in terms of travel, accommodations, and venue.
  3. Open Source Vs. Proprietary Systems
    Developers of proprietary systems will argue that their LMS is easier to use than an open source LMS. That may have been true in the past, but today things are different.
  4. Finding The Right Training Solution: Next Steps
    Take the steps that will help you assess where your training program stands, the different considerations you need to take into account, and your organization’s potential Return On Investment with a new LMS.

With the information provided in Learning Management Systems – Assessing Return On Investment, you’ll be able to determine what platform best suits your organization’s training needs. This eBook fulfills its title, giving you valuable insight before a major decision.

Related Articles:

  1. Open Source Vs. Proprietary LMS: Assessing Return On Investment
  2. Getting Value From A Learning Management System
Originally published on January 8, 2018