Why Choose An LMS For Middle/High Schools

Why Choose An LMS For Middle/High Schools

Why Choose An LMS For Middle/High Schools

Why Do Middle/High Schools Need An LMS?

Usually, children and teenagers have a shorter attention span than adults. However, many teachers believe that younger generations have even shorter attention spans because they are plugged into technological devices most of the time. "A Pew Internet survey of nearly 2,500 teachers found that 87% believe new technologies are creating an 'easily distracted generation with short attention spans' and 64% say today's digital technologies 'do more to distract students than to help them academically' [1]."

On the other hand, research also shows that children and teenagers exposed to technology as a means to learn are getting their brains rewired positively. Since it's so easy to find information about anything and everything online, curious students can find an answer to most of their questions in a matter of seconds. Switching from one unfinished task to another is also a behavior “borrowed” from the use of modern devices. It can also be beneficial in the long term because it improves cognitive ability (it’s no easy task to do multiple things at the same time) and the elasticity of the brain. Increased elasticity of the brain heightens our ability to share information easily with colleagues, work simultaneously with them on different tasks, and be ready to quickly adjust the pace when new challenges come along.

At the moment, the biggest challenge teachers face is keeping students interested in class when they are so accustomed to a digital world full of stimuli.

How Can An LMS Benefit Teachers?

What Are The Benefits For Students?


[1] Kids, Tech and Those Shrinking Attention Spans


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