5 Personalization Strategies Elucidat Uses To Make Leadership Training Stick

5 Personalization Strategies Elucidat Uses To Make Leadership Training Stick

5 Personalization Strategies Elucidat Uses To Make Leadership Training Stick

How To Make Leadership Training Stick

Imagine you have a star performer who has the potential to be a leader but causes friction by micromanaging team members.  You can personalize learning with situation-specific techniques and tips that address this individuals needs.

Elucidat's eLearning software offers built-in digital learning, using data to provide a customized learning path for individual learners. Discover how the Delegation Skills demo puts personalization for learners into practice with these five strategies for personalizing your Elucidat learning experience.

1. Use Clips To Talk Directly To Your Learners

Increase engagement with your learners via personalization by using their names in an online interaction. The name entry field is strategically positioned in Delegation Skills on the attention-grabbing video page. With the Clips feature, learners' names are later displayed in their personalized action plans, letting you "talk" directly to your users. Also, if you're using an LMS-hosted course, it is easy to simplify the experience by extracting learners' names from their LMS profiles.

2. Understand Each Learner's Starting Point With Survey Questions

Before tailoring your learners' content, understand what they need. You can do this by asking questions. The Delegation Skills example demonstrates this by using assessment questions, which hide feedback with the goal of encouraging honest responses. The Delegation Skills example also prevented learners from recording a score. By taking these actions, an upfront diagnostic was able to trigger specific learning as a result.

Also, consider the type of question you should ask, and ensure it's focused on revealing the issues or behaviors you're trying to remedy. Review your needs analysis, construct your question based on the largest issue and watch as your learning method addresses your skills gap.

3. Tailor Learning Pathways Using Rules

Use Elucidat's Rules feature to help your learners travel down the path you need them to go. With Rules, you can use smart branching to create personalized learning pathways, just like the "if-then" rules used in the Delegation Skills demo. The demo shows three routes that recognize the various weaknesses and strengths based on learners' responses and directs them to try tailored techniques. Rules also enables you to duplicate pages you set up by modifying the wording and rule to save time. Learners can go directly to the page you want them to once your rules are set.

Learn more about using Rules here.

4. Present Learners' Data Back To Them In A Personalized Action Plan

The Delegation Skills demo combines Clips and branching to produce a personalized action plan that uses the learner's name, needed behavioral changes and tailored techniques. As a cloud-based authoring tool, Elucidat holds and captures live data and empowers you to select which content to play back to learners how and when you want, making it a useful reference tool.

5. Give Feedback From Both Experts And Peers In A Scenario

With Delegation Skills, learners are able to practice their new techniques immediately in a scenario. This stage is appropriate for corrective feedback too. That's why the demo utilized knowledge check questions with expert-led, tailored feedback. Elucidat also facilitates social polling by using graphs to demonstrate how learners' peers in the same courses answered questions.

Find out more about adding social poll graphs here.

Final Thoughts

It's time to think beyond generic leadership training and improve your learners' performance with personalized learning. If you're ready to bring personalization into your learning strategy and discover how Delegation Skills was built, connect with an Elucidat expert learning consultant here.

Next step: Download our guide on how to deliver leadership training in the modern workplace.

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