Sage Advice On How To Make Teamwork Effective In Project Management

Make Teamwork Effective In Project Management

Make Teamwork Effective In Project Management

Make Teamwork Effective In Project Management

There’s a saying that goes "no man is an island." This is true when it comes to Project Management. When people come together to finish a common goal, work can be finished faster with fewer problems. That’s why collaboration is an important element of a successful team. But if your team is having trouble working with each other or with other people, you absolutely have to read these Project Management tips for beginners that will help you learn effective collaboration skills.

What Is Active Project Management? Why Does It Deliver Better Outcomes?

Did you know that an estimated USD 35 billion is wasted each year on meetings [1]? That’s why top Northern Virginia web designer Grayson De Ritis advised to "minimize the number and length of meetings as much as possible. Exercise restraint by setting no more than one meeting per day. Consider making it a virtual meeting via Google Hangouts."

Enter active Project Management. It’s an essential leadership skill for project managers, which means being involved in every part of the process via various communication and Project Management tools. It may sound overbearing—especially toward employees—but it actually isn’t. It’s just the act of communicating effectively to keep the team on top of things as it happens. This kind of leadership in Project Management can deliver better outcomes because the information is easily disseminated with other members of the team. With updated information at hand, it would be easier to make sound decisions and minimize problems along the way. So how do you ensure that your team can work closely and effectively throughout the process?

First of all, you need to take Project Management leadership training. Taking such a course will give you the skills you need to efficiently communicate with your teammates and be involved in every part of the project without sounding bossy. Aside from good Project Management leadership skills, you need to be able to use the tools of the trade such as Trello, Asana, etc. These Project Management apps make it easier for everyone to keep tabs on who is working on what, if a task will be completed on time, as well as sending the digital resources needed by each member to complete their part of the project.

The Benefits Of Team Collaboration

Team collaboration has its benefits. Here are some of the things that can happen when your team learns how to collaborate effectively.

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Tips On How To Collaborate Effectively

Don’t know how you or your team can work together effectively? Look at these tips on how to collaborate. You could learn a thing or two in order to help your team finish the tasks faster and better.

1. Make It Clear To Everyone That Collaboration Is Expected

Some people love to work alone, but when an entire project needs to be done, working in a team setting is crucial. If you want to learn how to become a better project manager, you need to set the tone right away and make it clear that you expect collaboration to happen. QuickBase says that team members should know what part of the project they will work on and who among the other members of the team they can count on for help and resources.

2. Encourage A Creative Workspace

Among the team collaboration best practices is to encourage a creative workspace. Allow your team to brainstorm for solutions on how to conquer challenges in your project. Andrew Field, founder and CEO of PrintingForLess, says, "Allow team members to question and brainstorm in a non-judgmental framework."

3. Build Relationships With Your Team

Building relationships with your team will allow you to discover their strengths and weaknesses or who works well with who. Dr. Carol Kinsey Goman of Troy Media Corporation says, "Αvoid just putting people together and telling them to get work done. Teams need time to get to know one another, to discover each other’s strengths and weaknesses, to build trust, and develop a common vision for the work to be done."

4. Address Conflicts Quickly

In every project, problems—be it personal or work-related—will arise. What are the important skills for teamwork and collaboration? Learn to address and resolve conflicts quickly. Murray Newlands, a writer at Forbes, says, "Pay attention to team dynamics, body language, and dialogue between team members so that you can push the conflict to the surface and diffuse it before it breaks down team productivity."

5. Use One Collaboration Tool Only

Each person in your office does things differently. They may prefer "x" collaboration tools over "y" collaboration tools. To make things easier to track and less confusing, one of the styles of Project Management is to announce a single tool that everyone will use.  Learn it or, well, leave.

Collaboration is no doubt a balancing act. On top of figuring out how to do the project efficiently, you’ll have to manage the different talents and personalities of your team members. These tips will help the project manager spot areas of improvement in order to develop leadership skills and finish tasks more seamlessly.


[1] $37 billion per year in unnecessary meetings, what is your share?

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