Microlearning Sexual Harassment Training
Sexual harassment has been a topic of discussion lately, not only in the news but in everyday situations like the workplace. With the topic being so prevalent, some companies are putting a strong focus on making sure they are compliant and making sure their managers and employees are equipped with proper training. In some states, it is required for organizations to provide sexual harassment training to their managers and their employees. While this training is required by law, it is important that the information is portrayed in a format that is relevant so that the information can be retained by the learner.
Looking at statistics, it is surprising the number of companies that don’t provide sexual harassment training to their employees. According to i-sight.com, more than 80% of companies have made no effort to discuss appropriate conduct, hold training or update their sexual harassment policies in the wake of #MeToo and #TimesUp. Companies really need to take a look at their sexual harassment training, in particular, as they should provide a respectful place to work. Offering this kind of training shows that they value their employees and their right to be treated with dignity and respect at work.
eLearning is an easy and cost-effective way to be sure employees are compliant with a company’s sexual harassment policy. One of the main trends in eLearning is microlearning, and microlearning can be an effective and engaging way to deliver sexual harassment training.
So, What Is Microlearning?
Some call it granular, others call it chunked, they mean the same thing—short eLearning courses. Study after study shows that taking in information in small, bite-sized chunks leads to increased learner retention. The learning market has been recognizing this trend with shorter and shorter learning courses, including shortening eLearning courses from four hours to one hour to thirty minutes and shorter. Some benefits of microlearning are that it can save time, as the learner is able to access exactly what they need without sifting through learning content that they do not need. In addition to increased learning retention, microlearning is a great way to provide relevant information in small batches that best suits the needs of an employee.
Can Sexual Harassment Training Be In A Microlearning Format?
Some might say, “No. How can a one-hour or two-hour state-required training be microlearning? No one would call a two-hour training course microlearning!”
Well, if you look at the training differently, the answer is an overwhelming “yes”! While certain states may specify that the training needs to be an hour or two hours in length, companies can deliver microlearning sexual harassment training in short courses delivered over time. For example, you can deliver an eight-minute course on sexual harassment laws one week and then the next week deliver a ten-minute course on “quid pro quo.” This weekly pattern continues until you have delivered the training that meets either the state-required training time or the training your company deems important for your organization. Essentially you are administering several different courses on harassment over time.
One benefit of using microlearning with sexual harassment training is time. When you have employees doing a two-hour training course, it takes away from valuable work time which leads to lost productivity. Why not have multiple courses that cover multiple relevant topics delivered over time and have the training better retained?
Another benefit of using microlearning is the impact it makes on the topic. Sexual harassment is a very sensitive and important topic that needs to be taken seriously. With microlearning, the form of media used can really drive home a point. For example, a situational video that shows harassment taking place can make a larger impact on learning as compared to reading about a situation. Videos can evoke emotions, which leads to the learning information being retained better. It may even make an employee take a second look at his/her own behavior in the workplace. Also, with a younger generation entering the workforce, keeping up with technology is important. Videos and other forms of media can help deliver the message in a useful way.
As OSHA.com states, “The answer to dealing with harassment in the workplace is education, not litigation.” As mentioned above, microlearning is an amazing eLearning trend that can really make sexual harassment training effective and relevant. Why not make it easy and beneficial for your managers and employees? It can really make a difference for everyone to have appropriate training in order to have the workplace be a safe and respectful environment.