5 Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making With JIT Learning

JIT Learning: Mistakes To Avoid

JIT Learning: Mistakes To Avoid

How To Improve Your JIT Learning Program

Just-In-Time learning promises to help your organization stay agile, retain top talent, and increase productivity. If your JIT program hasn’t reaped any of these benefits yet, then you’re probably questioning the validity of the approach. Is it time to throw in the towel? Does the program just need more time to show results? Should you market it more internally? If you feel your learners aren’t benefiting from Just-In-Time training, then you might be making one of these mistakes.

1. Using Large Blocks Of Text

Microsoft Word’s help button probably represents one of the earliest forms of JIT eLearning. The problem? We haven’t moved on from it as learning designers. Those earliest systems just copied and pasted the instruction manual into the software help box. Today, our learners expect more than long blocks of text in their JIT learning.

The fix? Use visual communication to engage learners.

2. Pushing Out Too Many Notifications

Employees currently receive 50-60 interruptions per day. Email and IM notifications represent one form of interruption. So, they start to ignore them. But you don’t want your carefully crafted training to become another ignored text pop-up. Instead, your JIT learning will empower employees by giving them choice and autonomy over their learning.

The fix? Put the learning modules directly into the employee workflow.

3. Removing Learner Feedback Loops

JIT learning has one major flaw as a learning methodology: learners need to realize they have a knowledge gap. Certain professions have hardwired feedback loops. For example, software developers receive feedback when their code fails to perform properly. What if your profession doesn’t include a hard and fast feedback loop? How will you know what training you need to access? The hard reality is you won’t. You’ll continue giving a mediocre performance until someone tells you.

The fix? Give employees frequent assessments.

4. Using JIT Learning For Reskilling, Instead Of Upskilling

In a world of very low unemployment and digital disruption, retaining top talent means reskilling them constantly. With the half-life of a skill resting at 5 years, employees need professional development to stay current. JIT learning provides a compelling solution to this problem. JIT learning helps professionals with a good baseline of industry knowledge upskill, but learning brand new skills with JIT learning would be frustrating. Imagine trying to learn how to code with only YouTube tutorials. You can do it, but it’s going to be frustrating and inefficient. JIT learning provides performance support, not full-fledged training.

The fix? Provide a full course to reskill learners and use JIT learning for performance support.

5. Underestimating Social Learning

If you have a contextualized JIT ecosystem, you might wonder why you need to engage your employees in other ways. Isn’t JIT learning enough? JIT learning allows learners to find the knowledge they need to perform their key job functions, but it doesn’t reward innovation or help learners discover new efficiencies. In fact, JIT learning leads learners to groupthink since everyone uses the same learning modules to fix the same problems.

The fix? Add a social learning platform.

Fix Your JIT Learning Until It Shows A Great ROI

JIT point-of-work performance support can revolutionize a workforce. But it needs to be the right fit for your organization. Designing great JIT learning isn’t just about providing the right information. It’s about providing the right information in the right place, at the right time, in the right way. Use these easy fixes to help make your JIT the best possible way for your learners to attain the skills they need!

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