Mobile Learning For All: How To Improve Accessibility

Mobile Learning For All: How To Improve Accessibility

Mobile Learning For All: How To Improve Accessibility

7 Ways To Build An Accessible Mobile Learning Plan

No one argues that training has big benefits for employees and organizations alike. But with an increasingly mobile workforce and a global majority of non-traditional office employees, it can be a challenge to make training available to everyone.

Mobile learning is an elegant solution for effective training. It also presents an opportunity to make training accessible to all employees.

Why Mobile Learning?

Mobile learning, or mLearning, is training that can be done via a mobile device (e.g., smartphone or tablet). It’s more versatile than typical online training, which may still require the learner to be at a desk or tied to a laptop. There are plenty of reasons for going mobile with your training strategy.

Clearly, mLearning has its advantages. But for all its perks, mobile learning presents some unique challenges. Understanding these can help you know how to overcome them to make your training accessible and user-friendly. And the easier it is for people to access your courses, the more successful your training strategy will be.

The Challenges Of Mobile Learning

It’s good to be aware of the potential obstacles learners face with mobile learning so you can address them up front and not disrupt the learning experience.

These challenges pose possible obstacles to helping your employees engage with training. But with planning and a sound strategy, you can create a mobile learning program that works for all learners.

How To Build An Effective Mobile Learning Program

With the right attention to technical and content-related issues, you can overcome these obstacles. The following tips can help you ensure your mobile learning program is accessible and user-friendly.

Make It Micro

Microlearning is the standard for mobile learning. It consists of short, bite-sized lessons that can be completed in a matter of minutes. Each lesson is focused on one concept. This quick-burst learning strategy is convenient for busy schedules. Employees can access it when they have time and complete a lesson before things pick up again.

The format also has advantages for increasing retention. According to research, microlearning on mobile apps can actually increase learning transfer. The convenience and focus of microlearning mean employees are more likely to engage with and recall the content.

Use A Mobile-First Platform

A mobile training platform designed specifically to help you create, manage, and administer microlearning makes building and implementing training fast and affordable. A good mobile LMS takes the guesswork out of getting your content online and into employees’ hands. It’s built to be easily navigable and easy to manage on the organization’s side.

Keep Your Design Simple

Design is not only about branding. It’s also a consideration for making your training more accessible and making it work on the small screen.

You’ve already got a lot going on on a very small screen. Help learners focus by decluttering the design. Use clean, readable fonts. Don’t import graphics with minute details that may be lost on smaller devices.

Build For Scrolling

And while you want to break the content up into smaller lessons, it doesn’t mean breaking it up into lots of screens. Make your format easier to use by limiting the number of clicks required to navigate through a lesson. People are used to scrolling through content on their devices, so make sure the main points are visible. Use noticeable headers so each section and its purpose are clear.

Keep Content Focused

Make copy concise. As mentioned, people are used to scrolling and finding answers quickly. Keep your text to the point, breaking it up with a clear section for each point. Give each point a heading that communicates what learners will find there.

This applies to videos too. Video is a fantastic medium for making a point and evoking emotion. It can make content more memorable. But too much of a good thing makes it harder to use. Longer videos mean larger files, which means longer loading times or files that won’t play. Stalled lessons disengage learners and disrupt learning. Make sure the main content is front and center—easy to find and easy to use—for truly accessible training.

Use Format-Friendly Interactive Elements

Interactive learning is one of the greatest features of online training, and there’s no reason it shouldn’t be the same for mobile learning. You can use multiple-choice quizzes, drag-and-drop exercises, and clickable hotspots to engage learners. Just make sure those features work for smaller screens. Reduce the number of clicks needed. Minimize drop areas in drag-and-drop questions so they don’t interfere with scrolling.

Ask For And Implement Feedback

Lastly, monitor your training's effectiveness regularly. As your training strategy expands to include mobile learning, new needs and challenges will arise. Survey employees after training sessions and reach out to get a sense of what’s working and what’s not. Prepare to address issues by capturing them as you go.

Your mobile LMS should then make it easy to adjust content or design and implement new features as needed. Seamless improvements will keep your strategy moving forward and easy to access.

Create Accessible Training With mLearning

Learning is—and should be—for all. Employee development enhances skills, builds employee confidence, and increases your organization’s success. And just like the business landscape, training needs are evolving.

More frontline and deskless workers, more employees from younger generations, and more pervasive use of mobile technology present an opportunity to use mobile tech to reach employees. And with the right tools, you can keep up with today’s training needs and make sure no one is excluded.

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