Using Powerful LMS Reporting To Enhance Mobile Learning Content Delivery

Using Powerful LMS Reporting To Enhance Mobile Learning Content Delivery
Summary: Understanding the best content for learner engagement starts with reliable reporting. What metrics should you be looking out for within your LMS? How can these metrics shape your mobile learning content moving forward? Find out more below.

How Using Powerful LMS Reporting Can Enhance Your Mobile Learning Content Delivery

When revising or creating your mobile learning strategy, simply having a mobile-responsive LMS isn’t enough to ensure success. You need to consider a wide range of elements, including the digital literacy of your workforce, the technical requirements of mobile learning, and your current (and aims for) learning engagement levels. When deciding how to enhance and deploy mobile learning content, it is the latter of these 3 elements that comes most into play. Deciphering learning engagement within your workforce is vital in shaping the mobile learning content of your organisation’s future.

eBook Release: How To Leverage A Mobile Learning Strategy To Increase Learner Engagement
eBook Release
How To Leverage A Mobile Learning Strategy To Increase Learner Engagement
Discover how you can boost engagement through a transformation to mobile learning.

Why Is LMS Reporting Important?

Powerful LMS reporting allows you to easily gather data in a user-friendly and clear way, enabling you to make the most of the vital elements of your learning engagement strategy. Once you have gathered the data you need on your current learning engagement levels, you can begin work on enhancing your current strategy and deciding on the best types of mobile learning content you should be delivering.

What Metrics Should You Report On?

Having access to powerful reporting tools is one thing, it’s a whole other to really understand what it is you should be looking for. So, we’ve put together a list of the most effective ways to measure learning engagement through the metrics in your LMS's reporting.

1. Completion Rates Of Required Courses

Required courses within your LMS don’t have to just mean compliance training. Completion rates of any courses your organisation creates as required within your LMS is a great indicator or your learning engagement levels. Especially if you have recently moved to a mobile-led or mobile-integrated strategy, completion rates are the bread and butter of learning engagement levels. Required courses are the best place to start with these as they will easily inform you how useful the mobile learning content you are using actually is to your learners. The higher your completion rates, the easier the training is to complete and the more engaged your learners are. Mobile learning, combined with the right content delivery, typically leads to increased completion rates (often of 95% upwards). If this isn’t the case for your organisation, it is worth assessing the content you are delivering on mobile.

2. How Many Additional Courses Learners Take

Another great indicator of how engaged your employees are with their mobile learning content is how many courses they have completed outside of what’s required by them. This shows not only a willingness to learn but also that you have a system that is both easy to use and full of engaging content. The additional courses taken by your learners is a fantastic indicator of how useful, engaging, and easy to follow your current mobile learning content is. A culture of continuous, or self-directed, learning is highly sought after in Learning & Development and is something that should be nurtured within any organisation. With more and more modern workers actively seeking to further they own skills outside of the workplace, from free coding courses to cooking tutorials on YouTube, it is worth investing in this engagement within the workplace through your mobile learning content.

3. Length Of Time Spent Learning On Your LMS

There a couple of metrics that factor into this one. Firstly, it’s worth looking at the average length of time your learners are spending on their learning content in set periods of time. We recommend reporting on this in monthly, quarterly, and yearly for the greatest understanding of how effective your mobile learning content really is. What’s also worth looking into is the average time your learners take on each of your courses. Typically, mobile learning works best when the content is broken down into bite-sized chunks of microlearning. However, this does not necessarily mean that the content will be easily completed in a matter of minutes. If the content you are using is confusing, difficult to follow, or fails to load properly on mobile devices, the time it takes to complete the courses will be longer, and the content itself worth revisiting.

4. Leaderboards And League Tables

Great ways to not only measure learning engagement but to boost it, leaderboards and league tables help to both monitor and motivate modern learners. Typically displayed in an easy-to-understand way, the metrics used to rank these leaderboards and league tables are also often customisable. Not only does this mean your line managers and L&D teams can easily keep an eye on the progress of their workforce, but they can also keep tabs on the metrics that matter the most. Leaderboards and league tables, especially those available to your workforce, act as fantastic motivators. Whether you’re looking at an organisation-wide league table of participation in User-Generated Content (UGC) campaign within your LMS ranked by branches/locations or a team-by-team breakdown completed compliance training, these league tables create healthy competition which can motivate employees to stay more engaged in your current mobile learning content.


A mobile-led or mobile-responsive LMS on its own won't increase learning engagement. However, tailored mobile learning content can. With the correct use and understanding of the right metrics, courtesy of powerful reporting tools within your LMS, you can tailor and roll out the mobile learning content that is right for your workforce. There is a wide range of ways you can measure this learning engagement, but the most important thing is to take stock of these metrics and move your mobile learning content (and strategy) forward in a direction that will enhance engagement across your organisation.

Download the eBook How To Leverage A Mobile Learning Strategy To Increase Learner Engagement to learn how collaboration, microlearning, strategy development and a transformation to mobile learning can enable you to really boost engagement.

Originally published on April 16, 2019