5 Reasons To Start Mobile Learning In Your Company

5 Reasons To Start Mobile Learning In Your Company

5 Reasons To Start Mobile Learning In Your Company

How To Implement Mobile Learning In Your Company

Many companies began to apply mobile technologies to train their staff. Deloitte, Honeywell, Johnson & Johnson, and FYMCA Medical have already replaced textbooks with devices.

1. On-The-Go Learning

Analysts from Merrill Lynch [1] found that 55% of Americans study while commuting and traveling on business. They manage their own schedules and don’t depend on business coaches’ working hours. Learning doesn’t hamper their day-to-day work and private life.

For example, in Deloitte, auditors are trained online for an international certification. Three years ago, employees could only take eCourses on computers. They often had to stay late at the office or spend weekends at home studying courses. Very few appreciated that.

Now, the learning content is adapted for tablets and smartphones. Using iSpring Learn mobile LMS, employees study eCourses at lunch or on their way home, as devices are always at their fingertips. Since mLearning was launched in the company, the number of auditors who successfully completed certifications increased by 30%.

2. Completing Courses Is Two Times Faster On Mobile Phones

Merrill Lynch, a finance company, conducted an experiment. One group of people studied online courses only on PC, the other used smartphones. The smartphone users completed learning 45% faster [2].

That’s why Merrill Lynch focused on mLearning. As a result, the company communicates new information on products and business processes to 60,000 people from 38 countries twice as fast. Plus, the competency score of the employees increased by 1.21% compared to live classroom training [3].

3. Mobile Learning Is Popular Among Millennials

By 2025, the share of employees who were born after 1980 will be about 75% of the total workforce worldwide. Today, the main challenge of HR managers is to retain young and talented people. They’re offered high salaries, comfortable offices, and free fitness centers. But that’s not enough.

Kleiner Perkins, an American finance company, found that 22% of Millennials prefer the opportunity to learn [4] to flexible work hours, bonus payments, and even a car provided by the company.

The digital generation wants to know a lot, but its representatives aren’t ready to sit at a desk for hours. That’s why they prefer watching webinars and taking online courses to attending traditional training.

Another important thing: Millennials appreciate freedom, and would like learning to keep up with their schedule. And mLearning allows that.

In Honeywell, salespeople are trained online. They’re young people from 25 to 30 years old on average. Face-to-face training isn’t popular, and they find 3-hour video lectures boring. As a solution, there are short online courses (10-15 minutes long) that can be viewed on tablets and smartphones. The result: 100% attendance in the LMS. The reports show that all 500 employees are actively learning: some of them taking new courses, others reviewing what was previously learned.

4. Great For Remote Employees

Sales representatives, copywriters, translators, designers, photographers – the range of professionals who prefer to work remotely is really wide. According to Gallup, 43% of employees in the US don’t go to an office at all.

If you have a large team of "boots-on-the-ground" staff, it will be difficult to gather them for face-to-face classroom training. There are no such problems when you use mobile learning.

Five years ago, Johnson & Johnson provided onsite training for 400 pharmaceutical sales representatives from 60 cities. Business coaches lived on business trips, and employees complained that they had to reschedule important meetings to go back to the office.

Now, Johnson & Johnson uses iSpring Learn LMS to train their sales representatives. People study online courses in their spare time.

How does it benefit the company? Managers who are responsible for training see the level of competency in each region and can quickly eliminate knowledge gaps. Thanks to regular assessment, all the representatives work according to a single corporate standard.

Plus, the online format saves time. For instance, when the company launches a new product, they need to present it to all 400 employees. What used to take a month is now done in two days.

5. Learning Content Is Available Offline

Gadgets are always at hand, but there might not always be an internet connection. For example, you’ll have to switch to airplane mode when you’re on a flight. If your company has adopted mobile learning, then taking an eCourse or test would be possible even without access to the internet.

For example, iSpring Learn LMS offers the iSpring mobile app for iOS and Android. It allows learners to save content on their devices and study it anytime, even offline. The app saves their progress and synchronizes data with the LMS when the internet is available again.

FYMCA Medical uses iSpring to train doctors in countries with low income: South Africa, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. Doctors have a year to pass all 30 courses.

"A big advantage of iSpring is that once the course is loaded to the system, it runs on any platform or mobile device. Delegates can even download courses, and that means a lot because the internet is often poor in these low-income countries."

The Benefits Of mLearning

1. Employees can learn when they want to, not when they have to.
2. Completing courses on mobile devices is twice as fast as on PC.
3. Mobile learning is popular among Millennials.
4. It’s possible to take courses on mobile devices when offline.
5. It’s convenient for training remote employees.


  1. Mobile Solutions Case Study Merrill Lynch
  2. Benefits of Mobile Learning
  3. Merrill Lynch: Bullish on Mobile Learning
  4. Internet Trends Report 2018
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