Mobile LMS: The Importance Of Training On The Go With The Right LMS

Mobile LMS: The Importance Of Training On The Go With The Right LMS

Mobile LMS: The Importance Of Training On The Go With The Right LMS

Mobile LMS: The Importance Of Training On The Go With The Right LMS

eLearning already offers your students a more flexible form of learning, but making the move to mobile learning with a mobile learning management system (LMS) can be a great idea to allow your students to learn literally anywhere!

Here are just some of the benefits of using a mobile LMS, and how your students can get the most from mobile learning.

Mobile LMS Guide For Training Companies: How To Take Your Training Programs To The Next Level With The Right Mobile LMS
Find out how your training company can use a mobile LMS to provide an excellent learning experience for your students.

Students Can Learn Where They Want

One of the great benefits of a mobile LMS is the fact your students can learn wherever they want, and they don’t have to be stuck at their office computer or wait until they get home so they can use their laptop.

Mobile learning means they can use any mobile device that will support the LMS and find their perfect spot for learning. This could mean heading to the local coffee shop, sitting on a bench in the park, or even heading to the library to get some quiet time.

Mobile learning means your students can literally learn anywhere they want to, and wherever makes them feel able to get their head down and complete some training.

Students Can Use Whatever Device They Want

eLearning is great because it means students can learn on their own computers, but mobile learning takes that one step further, meaning students can learn on whatever devices work best for them. This may change depending on what mood the student is in as well, and that’s okay too!

eLearning can still be completed on a computer or laptop when they are in the office, but if they want to have a more relaxed learning session in a coffee shop, they may decide to swap to their smartphone instead. Not only is it easier to transport and something they probably would have had on them anyway, but it’s also not complicated to set up and get learning when they arrive at their location, so it’s perfect for on-the-go learning.

Students may also choose to use a tablet if they need a little more screen space but still don’t want to work at an actual computer.

Squeeze In More Learning Time

Utilising mobile learning means that your students will have more time to squeeze in chunks of learning if they feel in the mood, compared to traditional eLearning where they would always need to have access to their computer in order to get some learning done.

Having the convenience of having your eLearning content on a mobile device means your students can pop on whenever they feel like it. Even a bus journey into work could prove the perfect time to get some learning done!

Don’t Have To Rely On Internet Connection

Chances are if you’re using a laptop, then you’ll need to find a wireless internet connection in order to be able to get online and complete your eLearning. However, this isn’t always possible, especially if you’re on the move a lot or like dipping into your learning whenever you feel like it.

However, using a mobile LMS means students can use their mobile phone and their mobile data to access to LMS, so they don’t need to worry about finding an external internet source every time they want to do some training!

Easier To Work Together

eLearning may be thought of as quite a solitary activity, but it still gives students ample chances to meet up for study groups and discuss the material together if they need to.

However, sometimes finding the space for everyone to have access to a computer is a challenge or making everyone crowd around one laptop is less than ideal.

Through the use of mobile learning, everyone will be able to use their personal phones or tablets to access the content themselves, and still work collaboratively with the group!

Easier To Dip Into Content For Refresher

Sometimes, you just need to dip into your eLearning content in order to check on something or remember an exact piece of information. If you need to wait till you get to a computer or take the time to set up your laptop in order to access this information, it could be quite a waste of time!

Using a mobile LMS means students will be able to pop on whatever device they have handy and check whatever they need to very quickly and without much hassle.

Students Can Carry On Where They Left Off

Mobile learning is great for allowing students to carry on their learning even if they have to leave the office or walk away from their computer. Because they will be able to login to the same LMS from their mobile device as they were using on their computer, it means they will be able to keep learning on the go and not lose their place in their learning.

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