Moving Towards Corporate Online Learning Success: Some Proven Strategies

Improving Corporate Online Learning Success Through Improving Learner Attitude and Organizational Support

Improving Corporate Online Learning Success Through Improving Learner Attitude and Organizational Support

Improving Corporate Online Learning Success Through Improving Learner Attitude and Organizational Support

The benefits of training and learning in the corporate scenario are undisputed. It is not surprising that many organizations make considerable efforts to create training initiatives to make sure that their employees are at par with the developments around them. A lot of funds are also directed towards creating sustainable as well as impactful trainings that benefit the employees as well as the organization, in the long run.

But training initiatives often fail to make the anticipated impact. This is a waste of time as well as effort of the learners; and, furthermore, a waste of organizational funds as well. Digging into the reasons why a training initiative fails, the two main culprits are: Firstly, the learners’ apathy towards learning and secondly, lack of organizational support.

Improving Learners’ Attitude Towards Corporate Online Learning

Many learners’ view Online learning as a ‘necessary evil’. They take up mandatory training programs that are required to advance within the company. This is where the negative attitude towards learning often originates. When the training is closely linked with organizational actions like employee evaluations or bonuses, it is a definite ‘push’ for learning. But it is important to note that the learners are only motivated by the reward and not the subject matter. Rather than something that they have to do as a mandatory task, learners must view learning as a task where they benefit directly.

There are ways to improve the learners’ attitude. These work for a variety of organizations:

Improving Organizational Support

The organization has to support the corporate online learning endeavor to reap the true ROI of the initiative.  Organizations should develop a solid organizational program that provides choice to the employees by making available courses for individual learning needs as well as custom training courses for team learning and development needs. It is possible for the organization to do its bit and make sure that the corproate online learning initiative is not headed for failure:

Employees are the greatest assets of an organization and employee development can be attained only if both parties are on board – employees as well as the organization. In the current competitive global market, the organizations who invest in employee training and development are the ones that succeed. Also, employees who realize the worth of giving their best towards employee training and development initiatives are the ones who succeed along with the organization.

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