eBook Release – On Demand Training: How To Create An Agile Learning Environment Using A NextGen LMS

Free eBook – On Demand Training: How To Create An Agile Learning Environment Using A NextGen LMS
Summary: You might think that the expertise you have on your old LMS saves you working hours. But this is just a notion you have until you experience a NextGen LMS. This is why Looop cares not only to introduce you to on demand training, but to call attention on matters that weigh on choosing an LMS. Details on budgeting and features will show you how opting for a NextGen LMS will benefit your organization.

On Demand Training: How To Create An Agile Learning Environment Using A NextGen LMS

Today we can get the information we’re looking for in no time. And this is why on demand training (ODT) makes its way up on learners preferences.

eBook Release: On Demand Training: How To Create An Agile Learning Environment Using A NextGen LMS
eBook Release
On Demand Training: How To Create An Agile Learning Environment Using A NextGen LMS
Discover why On Demand Training exists, what your On Demand Training program should include, and how a NextGen LMS can support you in the process.

The times we live in demand continuous improvement. Employees know what skills they lack and, given the chance, will choose to train themselves to bridge those skill gaps. ODT is just the thing for them. And for you.

On Demand Training: How To Create An Agile Learning Environment Using A NextGen LMS will help you in a series of decisions you’ll have to make. Once you comprehend why ODT exists, what your ODT program should include, and how a NextGen LMS can support you in the process, corporate training will become an easy process for you. That is why this eBook is a must-read for eLearning professionals.

About The eBook

The content of On Demand Training: How To Create An Agile Learning Environment Using A NextGen LMS will serve you well. Reading this eBook will help you figure out whether ODT is the right choice for your organization. Check what to do and what not to do, what features your LMS should include, and how a NextGen LMS can help you. The knowledge found here will bring progress to your organization in many ways.

Let’s take a look at the eBook’s key chapters:

  • What Is On Demand Training And Why Should You Use It In Your Organization?
  • Is On Demand Training The Right Choice For Your Organization?
  • Increase Employee Performance With Digital
  • Mistakes To Avoid When Creating Your Training Program
  • Budgeting Factors To Consider
  • Choosing An LMS
  • Must-Have Features Your LMS Should Include
  • Using A NextGen LMS For Your Online Learning Environment
  • Tips To Vet An LMS Platform
  • The Importance Of Tracking Learner Performance And How To Achieve It With A NextGen LMS
  • Why Is Looop The Best Solution For Your Organization?
  • Best Practices To Create Custom On Demand Training With Looop

This edition was composed with modern learners in mind. In On Demand Training: How To Create An Agile Learning Environment Using A NextGen LMS you’ll learn what ODT is, if your organization needs it, and how can you integrate it into your program. Moving on deeper, you’ll get advice on numerous budgeting factors, such as timeframes and workload, and see how the resources available in a NextGen LMS will allow you to focus on your business goals and your employees’ needs. All these, along with tips on choosing an LMS, make this eBook a money-saver.

Another key chapter offers the readers an understanding of how a NextGen LMS can transform your working environment. Less time spent, fewer mistakes made, easy updates, and ability to measure the success of your program with the use of data are some benefits that are hard to beat. Towards the end, the authors have put an extra effort. Realize the importance of tracking learner performance, and you’ll never look at Learning Management Systems in the same way again. Finally, there are 4 best practices to create custom ODT with Looop. And they make this an interesting proposition altogether.

All the above, and more, can convince you that Loop is an ideal solution for your organization. To see for yourself, download this eBook today.

Originally published on November 19, 2018