4 Ways An On Demand Training Program Will Increase Your Employee Performance

4 Ways An On Demand Training Program Will Increase Your Employee Performance
Summary: While much has been written about what you can do with technology, there is very little information on the benefits you can expect from making the change. So, what are some of the ways an on demand training program can improve employee performance?

How On Demand Training Increases Employee Performance

On demand training gives your people access to the tools they need to perform better anytime, anywhere.

eBook Release: On Demand Training: How To Create An Agile Learning Environment Using A NextGen LMS
eBook Release
On Demand Training: How To Create An Agile Learning Environment Using A NextGen LMS
Discover why On Demand Training exists, what your On Demand Training program should include, and how a NextGen LMS can support you in the process.

Thanks to the ongoing advances in digital, it is now easier than ever to give your employees valuable information when they most need it. While much has been written about what you can do with technology, there is very little information on the benefits you can expect from making the change. So what are some of the ways an on demand training program can improve employee performance? Take a look at the points below.

1. Improved Confidence And Capability

On demand training is not limited to a specific location or equipment, which means your employees are able to access your training materials as soon as they become available, rather than waiting around, uncertain of what is expected. Having a flexible learning platform that can be accessed online on a range of devices allows your people to take control of their learning, building confidence and capability as they go.

Limiting the availability of your training hinders performance because real learning happens whilst doing. Your training program needs to be readily available when challenges arise in order to tackle the real problems that occur.

By offering real-time solutions, your people gain confidence, knowing they can access the answers they need to perform better at any time. With on demand training, there’s no more waiting around for courses to be updated or classroom-based training to be organized, just quick, easy-to-access learning solutions wherever, whenever.

2. Reduced Distractions

L&D teams need to support employees to achieve ‘better doing’ rather than only addressing ‘learning’ outcomes.

Knowledge gaps are quickly addressed when you focus on answering the questions your people have at their moments-of-need. Rather than letting employees lose on the web to find the answers they need, address these gaps with digital resources to provide helpful solutions that can be applied immediately. Take the time to really understand the work being done and the level of help your employees require to find out where they’re not being supported sufficiently.

We’re surrounded by distractions in the workplace, however, as your employees haven’t left the workflow with on demand training, you’ll find they are far more likely to perform better. You want your people to be able to activate new knowledge straight away rather than just memorizing tons of content that they won’t put into practice.

By focusing on understanding their roles and day-to-day problems, you’ll find your employees are far more likely to engage with your training and return to it because you’re providing information that is unique to your organization and job-specific.

3. Address Specific Needs

On demand training provides context-rich solutions that can address the issues and questions your people have. By focusing on their motivations and providing the answers they actually need to do their jobs better, the potential to enhance everyday performance in your organization is huge. When you use digital to your advantage, you’re able to improve everyday performance and capability far more effectively by providing immediate know-how and insight.

Most classroom training and online courses are generic and that makes it difficult to tap into the motivations of your employees. According to Towards Maturity’s Learner Voice series [1], the number one reason why people want to learn online at work is to do their jobs better and faster. By recognizing this and providing learning solutions that support your people to do their jobs better and faster, you’ll find you’re not only improving performance but also increasing engagement, trust, and morale.

4. Instant Feedback Through Data

Being on demand doesn’t just benefit employees, but also L&D teams, as it’s never been easier to receive instant insights and feedback. You’re able to see what is or isn’t working in real-time to ensure your digital resources are the most valuable they can be.

By looking for performance gaps and utilizing data to see who may be struggling, you’re able to amend resources that may not be providing much use or offer extra support to employees who are falling behind. Ask your employees how they’ve found the resources have impacted their performance or what else they may require performing better. It’s important to continue the conversation to further understand your staff’s learning journey and how to best support them moving forward.

Your learning outcomes should align with better performance, but it’s important to ensure you’re giving your staff the right tools to actually help them succeed. Recognize the way we learn at work has changed and our expectations of technology and immediacy need to be met through the training your organization provides if there’s any chance of engagement and success.

On demand training supports not only business goals, but those of the learner. By focusing on easy to access, point-of-need information, you’re giving your employees the tools they need to hit the ground running and really excel within your organization. Capitalize on the preferences and motivations of your staff by giving them the information they need, on demand and in the workflow.


[1] The Learner Voice

Originally published on May 1, 2018