Training On Demand: 4 Reasons To Use A NextGen LMS For Creating An Online Learning Environment

On Demand Training: 4 Reasons To Use A NextGen LMS For Creating An Online Learning Environment

On Demand Training: 4 Reasons To Use A NextGen LMS For Creating An Online Learning Environment

4 Reasons To Use A NextGen LMS For Creating On Demand Training

Technology has advanced rapidly in the past few years, and the role of learning in the workplace has seen workers taking control of their own learning and no longer expecting to wait for the answers they need.

eBook Release
On Demand Training: How To Create An Agile Learning Environment Using A NextGen LMS
Discover why On Demand Training exists, what your On Demand Training program should include, and how a NextGen LMS can support you in the process.

As workers become more digitally capable, so should L&D. The next generation of learning platforms supports on demand training by addressing the real-life problems and solutions your workers require, at their points of need.

NextGen LMSs are flexible, user-focused, and data-driven. They go beyond the regular LMS by simplifying the learning process and putting workers in the front seat. Gone are the days of having to wait around for courses or classroom training; on demand training has given organizations the opportunity to give their staff instant answers and guidance.

NextGen LMSs are designed to be user-centric. By focusing on User Experience, they can transform your training program to tackle the actual problems your employees face and work on performance and capability issues. Take a look at the points below to understand just some of the ways a NextGen LMS can support your organization’s on demand training.

1. They Save Businesses Time And Money

NextGen LMSs are accessible, on-demand, and on a range of devices, so your training materials are no longer bound to a desk and can be accessed worldwide. This saves the organization money by cutting out the transportation costs, paperwork, instructor costs, and time out of the working day for employees to travel or be away to ‘learn’.

By offering context-rich digital resources that can be accessed anywhere, any time, your employees aren’t limited to when and where they can learn. Even new starters can begin training before they’ve even walked into the office, and there’s no limit to the amount of content you can add, allowing you to serve a range of training initiatives at once.

Digital resources are proven to have much higher engagement rates than traditional classroom training, as your employees are far more likely to return to your on demand training when they find it is relevant and useful to them. You save your staff valuable time by minimizing the need for waiting for face-to-face training, which saves money in the long-term, as they’ll be productive quicker and able to have permanent access to your training material.

2. They Decrease Turnover

Your employees are only going to engage in your training if they see the value and benefit it offers them.

NextGen LMSs put staff in charge of their own learning and gives them the information they really want to know at their point-of-need.  It doesn’t focus on delivering generic courses or content-dumping, instead, it offers digital resources that solve everyday questions and problems.

When employees feel their motivations to learn are being met and that your digital resources are helping them to do their jobs better, they’re not only likely to perform better, but also remain with the company.

3. They Make It Easy To Keep Content Up-To-Date And Relevant

In the past, it was safe to assume that creating training content would be extremely time consuming and difficult. Not anymore. Digital resources make it easier than ever to create useful content that addresses your employees' real-time challenges and to keep it up-to-date. As your practices and policies change, so can your resources.

NextGen LMSs ensure your employees are consistently receiving up-to-date and correct information. There’s no more waiting around for updated handbooks, keeping employees out of the loop or facing time delays of updated policies and procedures.

4. They’re Driven By Data

NextGen LMSs are driven by data, making it easier than ever for L&D teams to measure the success of their training programs to see what is or isn't working. They offer far more in-depth reporting tools than most regular LMSs. Here are just a few things you can measure:

Since on demand training lets staff take control of their own learning, data and insights provide value, as it’s L&Ds role to ensure the best possible materials are provided for them to succeed. It’s counter-productive to have great resources in place and then be unable to find the data you need to see what is and isn’t working.

As you can see, there are many reasons to choose a NextGen LMSs for creating an online learning environment. Give your employees the tools they really need to succeed within with a learning platform designed to be user-centric and built for the modern learner.

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